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Work Permit Applications


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I am not going to debate this issue on this site as it is a football site and others will get fed up with it.

However, your being involved with the Legal profession does not mean you are automatically correct - the trouble with Lawyers is that they are more interested in the LETTER of the Law than the SPIRIT of it..


I am fully aware of the UK's interpretation of these rules - the question you haven't addressed is WHY the UK's politicians interpret them that way - and apart from Brazilians etc, these rules apply to COMMONWEALTH Citizens, many of whom are related to British people....

You have simply to distinct:


1) EU-nationals --> EU law stating that you don't need a work permit to work in another EU member state


2) Non Eu-nationals --> national law, the need to obtain a work permit and its regulations is down to the the national legislation and has nothing to do with EU law and its interpretation as you say. That's why it is easier for a Brazilian to play for a continental club than getting a move to an English club.


If the UK wanted do make it easier for people coming from a Commonwealth (or any other non-EU) state to obtain a work permit valid for the UK, maybe based on relations or historical reasons, then it would simply down the politicians in London. Nobody in Brussels, Berlin or wherever in the EU could stop that kind of legislation.

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Nor should it. Free movement of people and labour is one of the main principles of the EU.


Like I said before - this is a football site, so I won't debate the EU with you here.

Suffice be it to say, I think it was the worst thing the UK ever did to join it - Britain is an outward-looking nation(or was), with links throughout the world.

There is not ONE thing that has been of major benefit to the country, and it costs the country billions evert year.

You have your view - I've got mine & thank goodness  I don't live there anymore..

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Your view contradicts itself. You want the UK to have laxer immigration laws for certain people yet stiffer ones for others. You blame the EU for the UK's stiff immigration policies for non-EUers, and then also moan the fact that EU citizens can come and work in the UK if they want.


And the single market has been of huge benefit to the UK. Take a look at our trade figures/main trading partners sometime, if you ever get an urge to understand the subject, rather than just issuing incoherent rants.

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My Jorman Friend - your english is pretty damn faultless but even the perfect can still improve


"You have simply to distinct:"


should be


"You simply have to distinguish......."



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Nor should it. Free movement of people and labour is one of the main principles of the EU.


Like I said before - this is a football site, so I won't debate the EU with you here.

Suffice be it to say, I think it was the worst thing the UK ever did to join it - Britain is an outward-looking nation(or was), with links throughout the world.

There is not ONE thing that has been of major benefit to the country, and it costs the country billions evert year.

You have your view - I've got mine & thank goodness  I don't live there anymore..


if its so bad why did every political party and business want to join?


and why have they kept us in???


we still have the world-wide links (Afghanistan, Iraq, Falklands, Cyprus....) and are one of teh world's biggest exporters


what you mean is you don't want any change


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Your view contradicts itself. You want the UK to have laxer immigration laws for certain people yet stiffer ones for others. You blame the EU for the UK's stiff immigration policies for non-EUers, and then also moan the fact that EU citizens can come and work in the UK if they want.


And the single market has been of huge benefit to the UK. Take a look at our trade figures/main trading partners sometime, if you ever get an urge to understand the subject, rather than just issuing incoherent rants.


I know far more about the subject than you seem to - don't accuse me of incoherent rants when you haven't looked at the big picture - Trade ? They sell us far more than we sell them(we have a surplus with every area of the world and a DEFICIT with the EU(try looking at how many French/German cars on UK roads..!??).

How many SHIPS built on Tyneside now ? Sunderland yards closed in 86 when they were most modern in Europe, French now build Cunard liners....

COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY costing UK families at least 1000 a year extra in food(subsidising French farmers).


As for the Political parties - all these guys want to get into the Euro Parliament and get far more wages/pension than they get at Westminster(paid for my us - I mean - YOU now!


Regarding companies,only multinationals want us in it because they can avoid exchange controls WHEN the UK joins the Euro(which it will have to after signing the new Constitution - Whoops !- I mean, 'TREATY'......

They will simply leave & go to China or India when EU Labour costs get too high...


The only thing keeping the UK economy up is the Financial Services in the City of London - look at the disparity of house prices there and in most other parts of the country.

EU/UK depend on Russia for Gas(now THAT's good 'business', isn't it!!??)


As I said before, but you Europhiles never listen, do you - this is a FOOTBALL site - you asked for this reply by your continuation of the debate - just drop it before the Admin clamps down.

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