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Is that it now??no more signings??


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what do you think?? do you reckon big sam is finished for the summer now?will he leave it at that? Personally id say hes done, mayby 1 player but i doubt it will be 3 or 4. and if he does by 1 more player, i hope its a right back because when (not if) Carr gets injured we have no other natural right backs,solano, ramage,taylor etc are not natural full backs.so what do you guyd think?any more signings?? i wouldnt say theres any big money signings either to hope for?any opinions??

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well i think we are fine for strikers and wingers, left backs and pretty ok in midfield wit butt,emre,barton, posiibly dyer,geremi and smith can also play their.so a right back and a centre back wud be my 2 if we do buy 2

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