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Big Sam in the Times today (Training ground/Dyer money/Solano)


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Can anyone remember the open day last summer at SJP? That was basically a few fitness drills followed by a mini game at the end, something like that put on for fans every day would be great.


I think I remember you saying that you'd been to one.

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Did he do anything about it in the way Sam is trying to revamp the setup? I think the answer is no.


I'm sure he did ask for some technology but was told that he couldn't have it.

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Guest Knightrider

SBR was himself very critical about the set up and was met with many "meh" whenever he attempted to address the situation. Having worked all over Europe I'm sure Bobby was accutely aware that our set-up was indeed poor, and he'd have been the man to fix it if only he was fully supported. I won't criticise SBR for the state the club is in off the pitch, not when he says himself in his book he tried to modernise things. Indeed how far can be blame Roeder and Souness? Roeder talked about a whole manner of new things where as Souness was constantly saying the training ground pitches weren't right, yet hardly anything was done about it. Nah, these things stem from the mismanagement of the club and if anything, KK's days because he wasn't into sciences, cold baths etc.

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Guest Knightrider

Can anyone remember the open day last summer at SJP? That was basically a few fitness drills followed by a mini game at the end, something like that put on for fans every day would be great.


I think I remember you saying that you'd been to one.


I did, found it interesting but boring at times. The two nephews and every kid that was there (thousands) seemed to love it though and it wasn't heavy stuff, basically jogging, stretching, shooting practice and then a mini-game at the end, about 1 hours worth all in all. Imagine that every day, open to the public free of charge. They'd lap it up, especially under Big Sam and with some of the players we have like Owen, Martins etc.

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I'd love to see training open to the public like it was under KK. I genuinely believe a lot of the buzz and support at that time was helped along by every day fans watching their heroes in training, seeing for themselves what a great spirit the team had, what a great bloke KK was and what a sound bunch of lads we had. If fans can somehow get closer, I reckon if a player has a bad day or suffers form on the pitch, that player will get a lot more sympathy as fans will know first hand he's doing his all in training and isn't a bad lad. The benefits are huge and you can't fail with such schemes. KK knew that.


That was part of the whole KK "chumminess" package, though, wasn't it? He was everybody's mate, supporters and players.


Allardyce is more of your stern, meticulous plotter. No distractions wanted.

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Guest Knightrider

I'd love to see training open to the public like it was under KK. I genuinely believe a lot of the buzz and support at that time was helped along by every day fans watching their heroes in training, seeing for themselves what a great spirit the team had, what a great bloke KK was and what a sound bunch of lads we had. If fans can somehow get closer, I reckon if a player has a bad day or suffers form on the pitch, that player will get a lot more sympathy as fans will know first hand he's doing his all in training and isn't a bad lad. The benefits are huge and you can't fail with such schemes. KK knew that.


That was part of the whole KK "chumminess" package, though, wasn't it? He was everybody's mate, supporters and players.


Allardyce is more of your stern, meticulous plotter. No distractions wanted.


True, but you can balance it out surely? Big Sam is as much of a media whore as KK was, if not more, he's all about image too, lets not forget. I think the idea would appeal to him but like you said he's a plotter and  plotters' minds are often paranoid (in a good way). Can't help but try, shy bairns get nowt and all that...

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I'm not really talking about image. A big part of the job is about how you handle people -- first the players, and then everyone else. KK handled people by being their mate, and the we're-all-chums-in-this-together vibe that he created spilled out of the changing room and into things like open training sessions.


Allardyce is more like a teacher than a mate. He's all about mastering details and keeping one step ahead. He even gives the players homework, and they respect him because he obviously knows his stuff. The training ground is closed because nothing must disturb the atmosphere of meticulous preparation.

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The speed at which the club has apparantly moved forward off the field-wise has been alot more rapid than I was expecting. I thought it could take up to next summer for Sam to get things going the way he wanted. Going by the recent Oba interview (and I think Alan Smith said something similar?) where he praises the new style NUFC is all good news to me and again convinces me that he isn't going to be a one-hit wonder (which I sort of thought initially).



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