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They want to improve the atmosphere......


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Just a quick question about the meeting with the club, did you lads put to them directly the idea of allocating a few thousand seats as a dedicated singing section and if so what was their response?


We put it in our portfolio, in our singing section part. I will copy and paste the portfolio contents for you all to read....

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Just a quick question about the meeting with the club, did you lads put to them directly the idea of allocating a few thousand seats as a dedicated singing section and if so what was their response?


We put it in our portfolio, in our singing section part. I will copy and paste the portfolio contents for you all to read....


Thanks I look forward to reading it.

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Just a quick question about the meeting with the club, did you lads put to them directly the idea of allocating a few thousand seats as a dedicated singing section and if so what was their response?


We put it in our portfolio, in our singing section part. I will copy and paste the portfolio contents for you all to read....


Thanks I look forward to reading it.





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Nar mate, i'm the one from the middle tier. When i rather foolishly went down to try and 'calm the situation' he grabbed me and pushed me down 2 or 3 stairs and things got a bit more heated....


Ah it is you then, I've been in touch with the club about it I'll see if I get any sort of reply.

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Nar mate, i'm the one from the middle tier. When i rather foolishly went down to try and 'calm the situation' he grabbed me and pushed me down 2 or 3 stairs and things got a bit more heated....


Ah it is you then, I've been in touch with the club about it I'll see if I get any sort of reply.


Cheers mate, the support people gave us was kind of overwhelming, everyone seemed to give their opinions on the matter. I thought more people would have sat and watched it all ahppen but they didn't. Thanks once again for acting upon it.

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Just wondering, for those who made contact with the club what sort of response did you get?


I have told my Dad about this thread and he seemed quite chuffed that people were willing to side with us and give their opinions.

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I don't really see anything wrong with swearing in stadiums, as long as its not people just going on tirades of abuse and swearing for swearings sake. Other than that, its fine.


All the shite about 'kids around', is just that, shite. Go to any football ground where you can choose where you sit and you will always find kids stand or sit around where the atmosphere is and where the majority of the swearing comes from. When I was little we used to go to Berwick games and stand in what we called 'the swearing stand'. because the rest of the ground was shit atmosphere.


Sorry to hear about your story haza, but it seems typical of Northumbria Police at the moment and they are getting worse at football games. Me thinks they have all been on some special training thing for crowd control or something.

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Get yourself along to the Corner , give us a chance , then if we're shite , tell us , but dont slate us until you have actually joined us and had a shite experience!


Other than that on the positive side , for those taken children to the games tonight , if your close to us , they will definitley go home happy singing all the new songs they have learned, but certainly wont be going home waving their shoes about!!!



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Guest Knightrider

I've told a few people to cut down on the swearing like whenever its happened around me and the bairns, as I won't tolerate such language when in the company of kids, not at the match, on a bus or anywhere. Yes football is an emotional game and I like to swear but I refrain from swearing around kids, they shouldn't be subjected to such language and to be honest, no-one should if they are not comfortable in such situations.

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reminds me though, went to a darlo match and there was man with his son... cursing blindly and even encouraged his son to start calling the ref a w*nker.. obviously i was sickened and i gave him a look and the arse just told me to "mind my own f*ucking business".. felt like clocking him but then i'd be a hypocrite.

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