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Boo Boy

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Everything posted by Boo Boy

  1. Don't be so stupid. He needs hunting with dogs
  2. Boo Boy

    RIP sale thread.

    The club isn't really up for sale it is all a lie. Moat is an Ashley stooge and just to complete your day we will not sign another player this season.
  3. Boo Boy

    RIP sale thread.

    Moat is a an Ashley stooge. The deal will collase on deadline day and we will have to sell two players to balance the books.
  4. Here is the inside news. Ashley is going to stay for one more season and we are NOT going into administatrion. David O'Leary will be announced as manager on Friday.
  5. Check the BBC sport tickertape at the top if you don't believe it!
  6. It is true and he is bringing John Fashanu is as his assistant.
  7. Hp,Heinz and Asda's own brand :winking:
  8. Me as well. At some point you have to take a stand
  9. http://thebigfeller.blogspot.com/ Nail on head by a Norwich fan
  10. I haven't got to that yet bluebiggrin.gif
  11. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?xml=/sport/2006/10/24/sfnwin24.xml says it all!
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