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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Sima


    I wonder how many pages a Newcastle thread would be up to if all of their mongitude against us was kept to one thread.
  2. Sima


    Was Brown's contract expired at Man Utd? No way he would just sign for one year if it wasn't.
  3. Sima

    Keegan Talk In

    If Keegan professes to love Newcastle so much why doesn't he come to any of our games? Just saying like.
  4. Sima


    There's some cracking excuses on that thread tbh
  5. He isn't planning to bring a new CB in
  6. Who is this knacker? 5 year deal for Nolan? Nobend.
  7. Sima


    If they had won it they would do (even though they will convince themselves otherwise!). The fairs cup was proper knockout European football as opposed to the boring league stages s**** of the Wafer Cup or whatever its called these days. I don't think Rangers fans thought it was too Mickey Mouse either. Even Barcelona put it in their honour roll ffs But not credible enough for Sunderland and their classy fans.
  8. Sima


    Because they're morons.
  9. Sima


    Pointless even forming a coherent argument over there as someone come out with some outlandish bullshit, attach a few smilies and the other mackems will follow suit and not address the issue at all
  10. Sima


    Aye. He raped us. *That picture*
  11. Surely they can't have put that on the website?
  12. Sima


    I reckon Murray cut more corners than Ally Fraser did in Thornley Manor tbh
  13. Sima


    Location undoubtedly - not many would disagree. Considering it's a pretty good arena too with a better than average atmosphere it would definitely have a chance of being considered the "best". Didn't our extension cost more to build than their ground cost from scratch? Their ground cost £15m iirc
  14. Sima


    Ding. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showpost.php?p=10212304&postcount=49
  15. Sima


    Sky Atlantic is too high-brow for them tbh It isn't their first thread about the advert btw
  16. Sima


    Just looked and my ban has been made permanent. Sense of humour bypass
  17. Sima


    what for? ive seen you winding them knackers up- when that happen? Some time tonight probably. Such sensitive souls, different to when their own admit to duplicate accounts. I feel my point has been proven though
  18. Sima


    I've been banned for a month from RTG
  19. Sima


    I have no idea Of course they're going to bite man, this is their wet dream. This is their vindication of their bullshit This is their peak and they're loving it.
  20. I'd ejaculate if we signed N'Zogbia and Adebayor tbh
  21. Elmander has signed for Galatasaray
  22. We're going to have a right load of handsome f*ckers in the midfield next season tbh
  23. Sima


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