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  1. I think we are trying but people just asking way too much because it's Newcastle and players don't want to come here because we're in a relagation battle. If we would have won last weekend things might be different. I hope we get some quality in and stay up then everyone will be happy to come play here. Get out of the bottom 3 ASAP
  2. I've had a bit to drink but don't you think you should give everyone a chance. Ok we should have won but when you're down. You can't Blame people. There are only one person to blame. Now win the next one you never know. Fingers crossed
  3. I need a good night sleep Rather have a win today
  4. It's just about nit being to far a drift to get some decent players in
  5. Not that bad got i shit penalty then everything went to shit
  6. I think what the hell do i think. I hope someone is coming in with clear plan a what players to sign. Ive Been watching trash and trash
  7. Well Bruce couldn't have done any worse. Get z decent manager with a long term plan in ASAP or were going down
  8. Bed time i. Japan sorry if I pissed some people off. Some banter is great just hope for a win then
  9. I can take shit but we are all wanting the same thing. For now support the team. Things will chance
  10. I don't think they'll do that build smart support the team
  11. Would you be a good manager with Ashley controlling you
  12. Build yeah do it don't listen to everything keep calm
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