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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Also, spuds are hardly strong in central midfield, and a lot of their threat is generated in wide positions, if we double up on the wings we can stop the supply to Keane and Berb from wide positions. Martins has to play, as does Owen and Viduka. The only change I would make is to throw zog in for Geremi, move barton to Right Centermid, and have Zog left center mid as his pace will be valuable at both ends of the pitch.
  2. Or retrain him as an attacking mid and improve his game. Who saw that coming!
  3. We could sit back, play deep, play 4-4-2. Spurs will play a high line, as it Will be Owen and Viduka, and we will be trapped in our own half, with the players not having the legs to get up and down the flanks, or the creativity to carve out a chance, there will be no support from the midfield. Or we could play our new 4-3-3, play Martins, force Spurs back, press hard, and have a go. Play a tactic which has seen an improvement in general play and a real attacking threat. I'd sather us have a go than lose 1-0 and do nothing.
  4. I must say, it could turn out to improve his and our game completely. It seems Keegan and OWen see this as beneficial and I can see it becoming a permanent fixture. Impressive that Keegan saw this, good luck to him and Owen. He has been far more effective the last two games, thats for sure.
  5. Here is my interpretation of Keegans "game plan". Sorry for the drawings on paint but it helps me express my point. Defence: http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4807/defenceeh4.jpg In this 4-3-3 there is a lot of responsibility on the players to track back and reduce the space. Owen, Martins and Viduka are the first line of defence, in pressing the opposition defenders they can hurry them into making long clearances. By not allowing the defenders to pick out a pass we can stifle the way in which the opposition can build their attacks. The second line of defence is the midfield. Barton Geremi and Butt play quite narrow. However, the key to this succeeding is the players realising where the threat is going to come from. If the ball is wide left for example, barton needs to pull to support Enrique, and Butt and geremi move to constrict the center of midfield. IN doubling up on the wide players, crossing can be reduced. This is very much how chelsea operate in central midfield, with the wide central midfielders looking to support the fullbacks. Attack: http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/2844/attackgc0.jpg Three key positions in our attacking play: 1) Fullbacks: Huge responsibility as they are our width. They seemed to so far work very closely with their respective central midfielder, looking to play one-twos and exploit space behind the opposition wingers. Once the fullback is up against their fulback the midfield player often provides an option behind them if the cross is not an option. (You can see this in action when Geremi Supports beye, often taking up a position 10 or so yards behind him). 2) The DM: Butt has a huge responsibility, often picking up the ball form the defence and looking to move it in four ways: 1) To play the ball to the wider CMs, who look to link with the fullbacks and provide attacking play 2) A long ball into the channels for Martins/OWen when looking to break. 3) A ball up to Viduka, who looks to hold it up and allow for the midfield to support the attack. 4) a simple ball to Owen to build attacking play. 3) Owen - The AM. Also a pivot point for attack. Keeps hold of ball, plays ball to Wide CMs, fullbacks or strikers then looks to get in the box for crosses or rebounds. If we had a more mobile DM, with a larger range of passing, this tactic could be very successful. ON the whole, I feel this tactic plays to our strengths, and generates a threat 4-4-2 with our current players cant.
  6. I agree 100%. Same formation too. The only change I could see is Milner in for Geremi. (anyone know when Milner is back?) Nooo, we need to go back to 442 against Spurs or we will be bummed to high heaven, they play down the channels and the fullbacks will be horribly exposed. Oh ok, lets go back to the team and formation that wasn't working and leaked goals left right and centre. While we're at it lets bring Smith in for either Oba or Viduka!!! Christ. I think we should keep the 3 who were in midfield and have N'Zogbia on the left to provide cover for Enrique otherwise he'll have two players to deal with most of the time. We've played two s*** teams and done reasonably well with this formation, that doesn't warrant it being cast in stone as our best formation. Playing away against a better team you need to think about the opposition first and 442 is the way we should go imo. Geremi-Butt-Barton-Zog Zog can push on when we have the ball. Wasn't 4-4-2 exactly our problem? I can see where you are coming from, however I can see what Keegan is trying to do with the team at the moment. Without the ball Owen is dropping back, Geremi has beye helping out with the wide players, butt is playing a "sweeper" esque midfield role, closing down those with the ball. Barton is helping out Enrique. Even martins can come back to help in the midfield. I can't see why we would go back to 4-4-2, eliminating our threat we have been generated going forward, and having to drop one of our three effective strikers. From looking at Keegans comments OWen is here to stay in this AM/ST role. Therefore I predict the 4-3-3- is here to stay too.
  7. I agree 100%. Same formation too. The only change I could see is Milner in for Geremi. (anyone know when Milner is back?) Nooo, we need to go back to 442 against Spurs or we will be bummed to high heaven, they play down the channels and the fullbacks will be horribly exposed. We will get bummed with 4-4-2 tbh. It will expose our frail midfield, shit wingers, and lack of creativity. All its is going to take is a bit more hard work. Could see Geremi dropping out, with zog in, as his pace can help on the flanks. So it would be a Barton Butt Zog midfield.
  8. I agree 100%. Same formation too. The only change I could see is Milner in for Geremi. (anyone know when Milner is back?)
  9. My Dad side are all Arsenal fans. I've never met a decent Spud fan. Team of cunts.
  10. WHY DOES HE CONTINUE TO PLAY EBOUE!!!! Wenger is going senile tbh. Wenger has far too much faith in Eboue, and he just keeps getting it thrown back in his face by some of Eboue's antics. And the fact he is absolute s*** at right wing, right back average to good, but Sagna is much better. Seems like he is trying to keep Eboue happy.. Can see him off to Everton/Villa in the summer tbh. On topic: When we win I have a top week, simple as that really. Should give Walcott a start at the wing. Haven't watched that many Arsenal games this season but I cant remember seeing Eboue creating much out on the wing and he sure isn't scoring. Then when Walcott comes as a sub he often changes the game with his pace and gives the opposition a lot of trouble, like in the Milan game where he had no trouble sprinting ahead of Maldini and setting up the winning goal. My best mate, and Dad are Arsenal fans so I see most of their games. It's strange, I can not see why Wenger would play him, other than not wanting to put pressure on Theo. They need Rosicky back, and fast. In the Summer they need a new, natural left winger too. They have lacked a threat on that side since Pires left.
  11. Have Chelsea not palmed enough s*** our way?
  12. Could see us in for Sidwell instead tbh. Bullard is a good player, good set pieces, good with the ball. I just not sure he is what we need, as we need a ball winner as a priority.
  13. That is why I can see Kev sticking with it. Why would we change it up? It negates our weaknesses, plays to our strengths and more importantly we look a much better unit.
  14. Step down for Bentley to come here. If he does I''d be very surprised. Next season I reckon we might see something like this: ...............Given............... Beye..Faye..Taylor....Enrique ...............New DM.............. ......Barton............Milner..... .................Owen............... ........New CF....Martins....... Provided we can keep hold of the more important players. New DM I am stumped, can't really think of anyone. New Striker: Someone like Crouch, someone hungry for first team football. If this 4-3-3 is Kev's future plans, I think it could bring great success. Of course, against bigger teams I'd expect a 4-4-1-1 lining up with Milner and Zog on the flanks, Barton and new CM in the middle, and Owen behind a powerful striker. Looking at blackburn, Jason Roberts isn't seeing much first team football, and I could see him being successful in the right set up (a bit old though). I could see us looking at Bullard, Harper (reading), Kitson and Doyle. Looking a bit lower down the league players like: Kightly (wolves) would be worth a look. There are quite a lot of players in Scotland and the Championship with potential. I could see us looking for players here too.
  15. We shall see against spuds. I think its his future. The run he made for the headed chance (Which he probably should have put away) is an indication of the threat he can generate. He also sees more of the ball in the hole. He isn't fast enough to play "on the shoulder" but with the space he gets in the hole he can be a whole new threat.
  16. It was at the end of the game, yet he still had the legs, ambition and drive to make the run. Don't see half our fuckers with anywhere near that ambition.
  17. Thats who I was trying to think of the other day. Manure have sniffed around IIRC.
  18. WHY DOES HE CONTINUE TO PLAY EBOUE!!!! Wenger is going senile tbh. Wenger has far too much faith in Eboue, and he just keeps getting it thrown back in his face by some of Eboue's antics. And the fact he is absolute shit at right wing, right back average to good, but Sagna is much better. Seems like he is trying to keep Eboue happy.. Can see him off to Everton/Villa in the summer tbh. On topic: When we win I have a top week, simple as that really.
  19. Saw it on Football First on Sky Was brilliant... very encouraging. Really want the lad to do well Was fucking quality. Can't believe MOTD didn't show it but oh well. If he put the goal in the net it would be goal of the season, easy. Kid is showing promise, hope he keeps it up.
  20. WHY DOES HE CONTINUE TO PLAY EBOUE!!!! Wenger is going senile tbh.
  21. Jorge Valdivia from Palmeras. Would cost an arm and a leg though. Absolute quality, eye for goal, good on the ball. I seen him play a couple of times on t'old telebox. Worth another look tbh.
  22. I must admit, he does keep the ball well, passes sensibly, and him being "in the hole" often results in no markers, and he can then make late runs into the box. I really like this "4-3-3", it makes the most of our strengths (Upfront, attacking fullbacks) and negates our weak areas (wings, lack of creativity in midfield). Some great thinking by KK and all credit to the lads for giving it a go. There are a few weaknesses (the space in center midfield is an issue) however, this is due to Geremi not having the legs to cover. I can't see why we would switch now, home or away, and just keep taking the game to other teams. It has resulted in our best football this season.
  23. I doubted him but he has got it right now. Same team for the next game too.
  24. Brilliant. The players are adapting to the 4-3-3 and we were very dangerous. The tactic favours our workhorse midfield. Even Barton looked like he had a good-un! I think we should stick with it, as it plays to our strengths. Fuck 4-4-2, we don't have the players for it.
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