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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. I think Martins just needs an arm round the shoulder more often to come good, no way Bent has the raw talent Martins has, and I can't picture Roeder being buddy-like without appearing to be a bad actor.


    Let's face it NUFC in its current state must seem a million miles away from what he left. Another 12 months in a team that starts performing with proper direction and control and you'll see a different Martins.


    Maybe, .. if we get proper direction and control that is...

  2. My mate saw Martins last night and reckoned he's a member of the same Bible Study group and he's sure to join if he impresses Roeder in a trial set for 3rd-5th June in Roeders back garden.


    Apparenlty Olly will be there to report on how things go.

  3. It's not difficult to imagine that Barton would be in jail by now if he wasn't a footballer.


    I don't think he will be attractive to buying clubs after his third(?) assault case. Could be the end of his career.

  4. Put yourself in Allardyce's shoes for this one. You've spent ten years building up a really successful team at Bolton, and your results have been based on a lot of hard graft, long term planning and patience. You'd know that when you walk away from it to another club you're going to be starting from scratch and that for your way of working to really pay off it's going to take two or three seasons to build a team the way you want it.


    If you're going to do that, and walk out on a club that you've just got into European football you're going to have a plan. You'll already know where you're going. Maybe it's Man City, maybe it's to take over at the newly rich Southampton, but wherever it is you'll have lined up a deal already, with someone who's prepared to put in the time it'll take for you to work the way you want to.


    With the big four managers all comfortable (Fergie, Mourinho, Wenger, Benitez are all untouchable this season) my money's on one of the newly taken over clubs as Allardyce's destination...


    A bit of sense in a thread full of arguments.. :)

  5. Paul Fletcher writing for the BBC.


    But in truth it was a poor game - and an especially disappointing performance from Chelsea.


    I don't think any Newcastle supporter would describe that as a poor game. Neutrals, what would they think I wonder, is Paul Fletcher nuetral or a Chelsea sympathiser?

  6. The players that need cleared out would leave us so thin that you would need 8 or 9 coming through the door. I am not usually given to pessimism but taking the club as a whole this is a very tricky period, and given their track record you can see where optimism is scarce.


    More than anything they need a sound 'footballing' plan, get that right and the finances will take care of themselves. If they try and move forward with a half-arsed financial plan they are tempting disaster imo.

  7. A player who is part of a team will be motivated to a certain point. But when things go wrong, a few passes gone astray, a head drops, a goal conceded, another head drops.. it's a good man-manager that makes the difference there, it's that boost to motivation that gets all the players focussed again and can change a game.


    Roeder clearly doesn't have it, and it's all very well telling it like it is in the dressing room, but it doesn't need to be told to the media. That will achieve the opposite of what you hope for.



  8. I honestly believe in his comment regarding coaching badges. They are unnecessary.


    Trying to make a rigid formula out of something so plastic will never work, same reason the England set-up is doomed to failure, you need imagination and intuition, not a fucking book of rules, do this, do that!

  9. that Fergie wasn't happy about being kept in the dark and was interested in what we had to say.


    Now that would be something, SAF picking the team sheet at St James'. That would be a major news day with fans of all clubs staring slack-jawed at the back pages in disbelief.


    Damn, I'm dreaming now.

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