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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. I got to the point with Waddle where I expected him to trip over the ball was just as likely as anything else. Hardly an exciting expectation. Ginola had far more range, Waddle just had a shoulder dip.. mind you it was almost uncanny how often it worked. :)

  2. Page 2 and no-one mentioned Tony Green yet!


    My original favourite was Terry Hibbet, but I knew nought then really. Macdonald was impressive on one of his runs. (Like a steam train on bandy legs, no finesse.. pure power and determination.) 


    I think Ginola probably conjured it up enough to always have an air of expectation about him whenever he got the ball. Beardsley was amazing too.


    EDIT: Sods Law

  3. Allardyce said: "It's important we recruit the best players possible and make sure we are not always looking for the big names all the time, as Newcastle have done in the past.


    "There are very talented players outside this country who want to prove themselves in the Premiership."


    Think that was said yesterday actually but the next bit...


    Newcastle chairman Freddy Shepherd said he was ready to back Allardyce's recruitment drive, although he would not commit himself on the level of funding for it.


    Shepherd said: "I think four or five players would be the top end of what we would try and get to resolve some of the problems that happened last year.


    "There are obviously some resources there to bolster the squad.


    "You have never heard any manager at Newcastle saying we have never backed them."


    I hope he never said any of this, he wasn't doing public speaking yesterday due to fractured rib, I'm going to assume it's still bad and these are rehashed quotes and soundbites.

  4. They signed Duff..  ..his father died..  they sold Boumsong...  his world turned upside down in the space of a short time.


    I don't know, maybe he turned to Dyer for advice and now it's not only upside down but completely fucked up too.


    One things for sure, he won't have had the support a young foreign player at a new club needs as there is no support network. Soon will be though.

  5. Wouldn't be suprised if we got Gudjohnsen to be honest.


    Was just thinking myself, 'is he a Sam-type player', as I read that list. Could well be a target. Hope so.

  6. Allardyce has the potential to be the best appointment Newcastle have made since, well, perhaps the best ever.


    I cannot really comment on Joe Harvey as I was only 15 when he resigned and my interest in football then was merely watching my favourites and hoping they got a goal or two. There have only ever been two other managers worth mentioning imo, Keegan and Robson.


    Allardyce may have his flaws, but they don't detract from his ability to run a complete unit. And that is what makes this appointment so exciting, assuming it comes off. He will revolutionize this club and transform it from a half-arsed outfit to the real deal. There is an if, and it's a bloody big 'IF' unfortunately.


    IF Shepherd stands back from picture and lets him get on with it, any interference from Shepherd would probably be disasterous.

  7. Alan Shearer said: “I believe Sam Allardyce has the sort of strong personality to sort out Newcastle and set them in the right direction again. The job he has done at Bolton has been unbelievable. It is clear he can motivate players. He comes across as a straight-talking manager who gets his message across to the players. And he will not take any messing around either. That is what you need at a club — someone single-minded and strong.”


    Shearer added: “He has taken players from all sorts of clubs and from all different parts of the world. Just look at some of the names he has had who have played at the very top, like Djorkaeff, Anelka, Campo. He has got them playing for Bolton and helping to make the club into a Premiership force. He has also discovered some great players as well and reinvigorated those who looked on their way out. He went into that club and laid down the foundations for success — and this is what Newcastle needs. I don’t claim to know the man well personally. But I am good friends with Gary Speed at Bolton and he is a massive fan of Sam.


    Crumpy Gunt said: "I'm gonna s*** in an empty crisp packet then chuck it at him - he'll not forget that and get the message on day 1."


    Two slightly differing opinions there then. Who do you think has the better grasp of the significance of the appointment? :)

  8. Newcastle job interests Eriksson


    Sven-Goran Eriksson's agent has said the former England boss "would be interested in talking to Newcastle" about their managerial vacancy.


    Full story to follow




    [Never saw the other topic]

  9. Allardyce will choose a formation to suit his players, he's not confined to one formation.


    And the players will be drilled in that formation and will be able to play it, not like just changing the formation and watching headless chickens running around as we have seen under Souness and Roeder.

  10. This has obviously been agreed behind the scenes ages ago, if he gets the job so quickly which may explain a number of things at our end and Bolton's. If so, will this be a first, the club actually planning something in advance? Still why get rid of Roeder with just one game to go? Ah, who cares now.


    Possibly Roeder was informed Watford would be his last game in charge, so he took control the only way he could by resigning on the spot.


    Anyway, regarding Sam, (of which I am now 95% convinced is the next boss), the optimist in me, (which always surfaces at change of boss time), is well pleased and looking forward to great changes.


    And a word of advice to Shepherd, stay the fuck out of footballing decisions and give Sam free reign.

  11. Those that have read SBR's book can clarify certain points here but as I recall the sacking wasn't the most honorable affair from Bobbys perspective. Something about the chairman having a red face at the final meeting, and other comments regarding transfers the SBR was unaware of all but called Shepherd a liar. Didn't SBR confess surprise at the sale of Speed.


    Yet here we are for the last three home games the two have been sat side by side. How did that come about? And what has been discussed I wonder?


    One would imagine SBR was invited as Shepherds guest. Was there some sort of apology made by Shepherd?

    "With hindsight I cocked up big time Sir Bobby." Can't imagine that somehow.


    And what have they been talking about? Is Shepherd pumping SBR for advice whenever he gets the chance? Is it possible Shepherd would take advice like this?


    Does it mean, perhaps, that Shepherd has learnt a very valuable lesson and won't interfere with the next manager ala Speed? We can live in hope it has been productive meetings.

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