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Everything posted by MW

  1. Bollocks, can we get refunds then? Won't be able to make it on a weeknight
  2. Hope its on, doubt I'll be able to make the trip down on a weeknight
  3. Treble on the "big 3" today, £2 returns £4.50
  4. That picture at Wigan is unbelievable
  5. Liverpool 6/5 to win, tempting but I don't trust them anymore, they blatantly will though
  6. I very much doubt either of them will leave.
  7. If i go to this I'll get up to L7 rather than my usual seat, see what its like
  8. Howay stoke dont fuck up I was a birmingham goal away from another £30 off a quid
  9. Last three all one up, promising start. bolton will fuck you over They'v already fucked me up on not winning both halves, o well only a quid
  10. How far apart were the Stoke goals?
  11. I think they just delete it and keep the rest of it
  12. All others remaining equal, norwich and brum goals wins me £30 from a quid, and all others staying the same, goals for stoke and everton wins me £55. Fingers crossed will be gutted if i lose all of it
  13. Spurs mackems and Bolton all to win both halves at 10/1
  14. There's a brilliant similar picture when Henry took it round Given a few years ago n put it into the side netting
  15. Has to be Owen and.....maybe ashley cole? not too sure on the non nufc players, dont hate many
  16. £20 on Everton Fulham Stoke Mackems Spurs
  17. Bentley's against Arsenal?! no way that should be there
  18. £1.50 left in my account so stuck it on Villa and Bolton
  19. Going pretty well so far with my main bet, need Everton and D&R to score
  20. Everton Wba NUFC Dag & Red Rochdale Luton ____________ Chelsea Forest Cardiff Swansea More than 2.5 In Hudd/McDons
  21. Haven't watched 2nd half but West Ham looked absolutely shocking in the first half
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