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Everything posted by gdm

  1. a few more might leave as well
  2. had a fiver on Van Nistelrooy. easy money
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_McCormick
  4. gdm

    Gretna Fold

    Game Over. No sympathy at all
  5. threw bottles at the engineer who went to fix it apparently
  6. The screens in Manchester have failed, trouble apparently. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/s/1049714_chaos_after_screen_fails
  7. Keegan has banned the players from talking to the press
  8. tbf all i heard was the end of the interview then Allardyce and Keys talking about 'Money being tight'
  9. Should have been more upbeat after losing a game shouldn't he? Tbf, he probably sent them out in the secondhalf hoping we could knick a win and we got humped. i understand he would have been down beat about the game but im just saying it seemed more than that, especially when talking about the money situation.
  10. he did look really down beat, as low as ive seen him look since he came back here
  11. Did Keegan just say money is tight and he will struggle on with what he has got? just caught the end of the interview
  12. aye, instead of blaydon races its busby aces or something
  13. gdm

    Alan Smith

    smith supports Rangers alright. http://i30.tinypic.com/2gt0pw3.jpg http://i26.tinypic.com/28nwps.jpg
  14. gdm

    Aiden McGeady

    smith, carr and duff were there as well apparently
  15. gdm

    Today's other games

    anyone see the video on youtube of shay, carr and duff at the rangers v celtic game at the weekend? its quite funny
  16. gdm


    surely a concern is a doubt?
  17. yaaaas Sunderland losing
  18. York had 3 men sent off
  19. that anoying chelsea fan twat on talksport - Andy Jacobs after the blackburn game said Newcastle wouldnt win another game this season. After the spurs game said Spurs were on holiday and had nothing to play for and Newcastle were lucky. Yesterday he said we have only won 3 games against nobody and a team on holiday. So i'd love if it we beat Chelsea just to get it up him
  20. brilliant thread. fuck them all
  21. my newcastle commentary on world cut out, so i clicked on the spurs commentary and the guy said ah spurs didnt need the points
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