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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. Sounds like we're playing alright.


    Started Brightly, being crap last 10 minutes.  Obertan having a shocker as usual.


    Neesy in unsubstantiated knee-jerk assessment shocker!!!11


    Sad b******.


    Howay man, you're having to rely on other people's opinions and descriptions of the game - how do you know our wingers aren't making the right runs but it's the midfield passes that are going awry?


    We're all in the same boat - apart from the 28,000 there (and I don't think any of them are posting from the exec boxes) - so take a step back and stop being so eager to criticise the team/the club. You do it all the time :lol:


    Erm I'm listening to the game and the fact is we've been s**** apart from the 1st 10 mins against a weak Blackburn team.


    Well that isn't a surprise coming from you considering your up Ashley's arse 95% of time.


    Lads this is starting to resemble a night out with Kev! Let's all calm down and find a tractor pinata.

  2. Listening to it it sounds like they had 1 chance and scored, it's just one of those things where thhey get a lucky break when the ball bounces to an open player 1 yard out. You can't account for that kinda stuff. Aside from that it sounds like we played a decent half. I don't think Obertan is the devil incarnate, but I do worry about his reluctance to cross the ball/do something productive when he has beaten his man/use his pace to beat a man. To my mind he should be able to play kick and run around Givet pretty easily.

  3. Man Utd always feels like Aliens to me.


    Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before. And they're gonna come in here...

    Ripley: Hudson!

    Hudson: ...and they're gonna come in here AND THEY'RE GONNA GET US!


    FFS get Aliens right you ballbagger  :rant:




    I think it's more akin to the scene where the Queen rips Bishop in half. In his mushy white entrails lay our hopes after a bright start to the season. Covered in a new sponsor.

  4. I hate all this stuff about hitting the post and the bar. Yeh, they hit the post and the bar a lot. That means they aren't striking with sufficient accuracy. They're supposedly top players, put the ball in the net. I don't buy that hitting the post and the bar is completely unlucky - yes, I suppose you were a trifle unfortunate in how close you were to a goal, but considering your highly-paid ability, you should probably sort that out on a regular basis.

  5. Tbf I would have been pretty gutted if he had missed. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't particularly complicated. He did take it well, which is all he could do, and he finished it 100% perfectly in terms of technique, speed, control, accuracy and aiming into the bottom corner.

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