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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. er do they not grasp the idea of a buyout clause? because I sure ain't heard of a clause that allows the player to speak to a club but not actually accept the bid


    No-one on this board has seen this supposed "buy-out" clause.  It may very well only permit initial talks. 


    Eh? How would that work in any way :lol:


    Easy.  Clubs are not obligated to allow their players to talk with any clubs whilst they are under contract.  It is entirely at their discretion.  An "interest" clause is just that.  From what I can gather, no money changes hands at that stage. It gives the selling club an opportunity to test the buying club's resolve without forcing them to sell.


    Are you actually saying these words? Bloody hell you're a weirdo if you believe any of that.


    Yeh clubs will always be allowed to speak to players - to deny them to do so (within Europe) breaches free movement of persons law.

  2. Interesting update: I work in the Wimbledon Media centre and ran into Martin Samuel this morning when he came to pick up his order of play. Said I was a toon fan and wanted to pick him up on his article - he was very affable and perfectly willing to discuss. I forwarded to him that Nolan leaving was more due to the ridiculous contract West Ham were prepared to give him, us cashing in when he would be most valuable and that he would no longer be first choice due to Cabaye - he insists Newcastle offered him only £5000 a week left and were willing to go five years. He also insists that there is no way that Cabaye would be picked ahead of Nolan - he called him "untested", "lightweight" and believed he was bought as an understudy for this year to replace Nolan in the future. Maintained that West Ham were a more attractive club to play for due their preferable ownership (really).

  3. I REALLY want him to stay but it does look as though he just wants off. SO lets ship him out but abroad not in the Prem no fkn way, rather let him stay another year than watch him stay in England.

    Swap deal with a Spanish club, see who we can get for him.


    But ultimately do you not think that, if his departure is inevitable when his contract winds down, we should at least look to get a fee in for him? I'd rather he stayed too but you have to look at this with business eyes and future finances. It's better to recoup some money - especially when he'd command a decent transfer fee - than nothing. Although I recognise the counter-argument of counter-balancing any transfer fee by what he would contribute this year on the pitch. What annoys me is that, if he just showed a little bit of patience and stuck with us, he could contribute to us being a team who could actually be a match for Arsenal in a game and help us build something over a few years when we could almost be as good as them. For me, at least, that would be a much more rewarding thing to look back on, but I'm not him and nor am I on the fringes of the Spanish national team (their loss tbh...)

  4. To me the fact that he's willing to drop down a division suggests that he himself doesn't believe he can have a repeat year like the season just gone.

  5. Let's not forget their inability to keep their star players - Bent looked pretty damn keen to get out of there, Henderson didn't hang around for his boyhood club (pre-emptive acknowledgement: Carroll did the same to us). I don't actually think they've a bad side, just a lame manager who gets by on the fact that he was coddled by Sir Alex who doesn't know how to get the most out what talent he has at his disposal. While Malbranque isn't the focal point of that team I'll never know. Mind, there's a few of their squad I'd have over here - the aforementioned Malbranque, Turner, Gyan... they also have to contend with the fact that nobody wants to live there.

  6. Still think playing in our side as it was at the time completely suited his game and made him look a lot better than he is. Interested to see if he can stand out as much at Liverpool where he won't be the focal point of the attack and they don't have a crosser of the ball of comparable quality to Barton on the right flank. I don't think he'll fail, but don't think he'll be as prolific as he was/would have been here. Also think he's a treacherous bellend.

  7. Anyone else reckon he's playing the waiting game to see if we sign any other good players? Surely must have bee impressed with with speed, professionalism and potential of the Cabaye capture?

  8. And that we were genuine title contenders and playing the best football in the country at the time.


    The point I'm trying to make is, would Carroll have pissed off so quickly if we could pay him as much as a contender, were a contender and played ridiculously sweet football? I'd say at the very least it was less likely, and then we'd hail him as Geordie hero.

  9. He was the one who kicked off at the west ham party


    Wasn't he getting racially abused though?


    Yeah I seem to remember that, doesn't surprise me either.


    Was Flatline in London for the weekend?


    Nah we banned him from the city.

  10. In my opinion Best has proved he should get a decent look-in next year. Not yet first choice, but knocking at the door. Don't think anybody can write him off based on what he did last year in pre-season and when leading the line.

  11. I spent a year living in West Philadelphia.


    Does this make anyone else want to sing?


    You have stumbled upon the reason why I rarely disclose the "West" element of my residence!

  12. A strike force of


    ????? Ba Best Shola Loven



    Sorry man I missed your ?? meaning another new striker. I completely agree. I was too distracted by your magnificent profile picture. Your post was spot on.


    Would do me this season


    Still a bit light in my opinion - although this could change on evidence of HBA playing up front/scoring regularly. I like the nippy frontman, especially if Cabaye lives up to his reputation of threading delicious through balls. I like Lovenkrands but just don't think he's quite good enough, although with better service he may improve, think he's got the much-touted "football brain" for his position.


    2 strikers in that are better than last seasons is a good summers work

  13. A strike force of


    ????? Ba Best Shola Loven


    Would do me this season


    Still a bit light in my opinion - although this could change on evidence of HBA playing up front/scoring regularly. I like the nippy frontman, especially if Cabaye lives up to his reputation of threading delicious through balls. I like Lovenkrands but just don't think he's quite good enough, although with better service he may improve, think he's got the much-touted "football brain" for his position.

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