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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. I think this post belongs here - the big optimism bit comes at the end!


    I have thought about this at length and I now know what makes me the happiest about the takeover. For those here who haven't met me, I am from South London but support Newcastle because I was born there (solely because my parents happened to be in Newcastle when I was born unexpectedly early). So when I became football-conscious I chose Newcastle, and because my football childhood started with the early-mid-90s, I got really into it.


    I liked being into something that nobody else around here knew about, so when I was old enough (the Robson era), I started travelling up on my own to watch games. The unexpected bonus of this was meeting loads of Geordies, and spending time in Newcastle as a city, and not just a place where the stadium is. That's what led to me finding N-O, and making some really great and close personal friends in the process. Newcastle was my first proper solo travel experience, and since the first time I actually looked around the place and spoke to people I have never stopped loving it. The whole place is optimistic, rebellious, always fun, beautiful both in nature and architecture, easy to get around as an outsider and, in my view, culturally unique.


    The stereotypes associated with Geordies are true, I think. Everyone has always been welcoming, cheerful, empathetic, friendly and entirely down-to-earth. But what I really, really like about Geordies are 3 things: (i) the complete intolerance for bullshitters and cheats; (ii) the ability to laugh at themselves and (iii) that they're generally happy people. I think that's what makes me really love the city and region. I've now travelled to many different parts of the world and Newcastle, easily, still remains in my top 5 places.


    So what makes me elated about this takeover is that I can't wait to go back and see my Geordie friends, and lots of other Geordies I can't wait to meet and celebrate with, back to their normal happy state. Anybody would have had their happiness reserves drained by Mike Ashley. Just a place where when I walk about, everyone is smiling, laughing, taking the piss out of one another - not like down here in London where everyone judges each other and is scared of each other now. I just can't wait for my first long weekend up there to see my friends, to watch the match, to get pleasantly mellow talking all things NUFC, to stroll around that beautiful and offbeat city and hear that great accent, to play in another 47-goal N-O meet-up thriller, go and take in the coast etc.


    It's just a lovely thing and I can't wait to get back there and see it and feel it in remission from Ashley.

  2. I wonder how it will be announced.  Will it be leaked first when it will be announce or will we just be on this thread arguing and talking bollocks then and Article of nufc.co.uk appears.


    A beheading followed by a can, I reckon.


    I'm strongly against the death penalty, but I would like to see Ashley beheaded on the centre circle.


    I think a stone cold stunner, then allowing a capacity SJP to queue up to kick him in the balls, then a beheading.


    I am prepared to be slated for this.....


    We know the vast majority of us want the takeover to go ahead, and most on here were hoping/expecting it to happen this week - now it's next week.


    Many are quoting things like 'Why is it taking so long for the Premier League to give approval'.....


    So,.........have the PL ever admitted in person, that it has received a completed and accepted offer and is checking to see if it is compliant with Fit and Proper Persons???


    Because if they haven't everything else is nothing but hope and speculation. HTT saying 5.00pm on Friday for example. 'Trust me I know'. 'This is going to happen'


    Is it?? Please, facts only in your replies!!!!




    Yes, they replied to Amnesty informing them about the bid.




    Is the word putative not the thing to take from that?


    Or by the very fact they replied a good thing?


    I'm not sure if that's confirmation or not? I'm lost!


    What is the matter with you all? “Putative” is just a posh twat word for prospective / potential / forthcoming. They cannot say “the Newcastle United takeover” because the takeover hasn’t happened. That, like every letter any big company sends for PR purposes, is drafted by a lawyer. The lawyer’s brief is to ensure that the FA won’t get bitten in the arse / sued. Therefore, the letter exercises caution, because this is a very expensive and complicated thing and there are very strict confidentiality etc rules all parties to it must follow.


    In all seriousness there must be something better for you available to do.

  4. Fair play to Manorpark he knew exactly what this thread was missing  :lol:

    Naa, this thread is missing the Chronic Town EP (vinyl, original pressing) :snod:

    Own alrdy

    I've got that too  :smitten:


    Got all of them on LP up to and including Monster (which I can’t ever seem to get into). Hard to find anything subsequent on vinyl, not least for a sensible price. Would love a copy of Reveal. LFEE[/member] and I air guitaring to that plastered at his house about 3AM, really great times.


    Reuben’s out!


    They're massive Tories. Funded some of Johnson's previous election campaigns etc.


    Genuinely upsets me more than the SA link



    I don't understand this reaction at all.


    It is OUR NHS that they are supporting, not their own political views.


    We currently have a Tory Government who are looking after our NHS, and I am supporting our government in that. Voters around the entire UK supported the election of this government a few months ago, but that is not why I am supporting the government.


    I am supporting them, be they Tories or whatever, because they are fighting for us, to keep us alive. I support them because I do not want to lose anyone else.


    I am a paid up member of the Labour Party, and there will come a time when that becomes relevant again, but NOT now.


    You’re a clot if you think this isn’t promoting their own political views by the way.


    Reuben’s out!


    They're massive Tories. Funded some of Johnson's previous election campaigns etc.


    Genuinely upsets me more than the SA link



    I don't understand this reaction at all.


    It is OUR NHS that they are supporting, not their own political views.


    We currently have a Tory Government who are looking after our NHS, and I am supporting our government in that. The voters of the entire UK supported the election of this government a few months ago, but that is not why I am supporting the government.


    I am supporting them, be they Tories or whatever, because they are fighting for us, to keep us alive. I support them because I do not want to lose anyone else.


    I am a paid up member of the Labour Party, and there will come a time when that becomes relevant again, but NOT now.


    They’re doing a spectacularly shit job. It’s both fair and absolutely necessary to hold them to account. Talentless populist yes-twats and they’re being shown up for it, Handjob in particular. The chin on him to congratulate himself for the 100,000 tests.

  7. Murmur is also a really good REM album

    Their best album. It's brilliant.

    Great album. Out Of Time for me though. Omminous :lol:

    Life's Rich Pageant on balance.

    I'm arguing with myself now because Green is amazing too :lol:




    Today we need Automatic For The People :lol:


    Not a Reveal ? ;)


    If so we need someone to Accelerate it :lol:


    I quite agree, nobody wants to Collapse Into Now


    I give Up!

  8. I’ll confess to being slightly worried at how long this is taking now. It should be done


    On what basis - firm, concrete basis - should it be done by now?


    Unless the rules have been made far stricter, I don’t get how Man City could be bought on an iou ?, money splashed out on Robinho and a statement of intent released before they’d even started the owners and directors test.


    With Newcastle, it always has to be fucking played out in the media and it almost always ends up with us looking like a bunch of twats when it ultimately ends badly.


    What you’re saying is you think this deal should be done quicker because the Manchester City one was completed quicker and the buyer went public earlier. You’ve got to realise this deal is a different deal so the comparative factor you’re using is useless. To me it looks like you’re just vocalising your nerves, but going and typing a message in public makes you feel like you’re doing something about (and can therefore control) your nerves. We’re all nervous and none of us have an iota of control or influence over this.


    I’m sorry to use you as an example but this is an archetypal example of how lies and misinformation are spread. Just repeating something else one hears elsewhere, or vocalising one’s fears in a way which comes across as a statement of fact, isn’t ultimately of any benefit to anybody.


    I really wish that more people could apply a bit of a thinking filter when they read or hear any information. The vast majority of information available to you is not objective fact, and it’s been that way your whole life. Being an adult involves acknowledging that and taking action accordingly, in my view.

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