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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. Whats with the weird hate for Shelvey like, hes been a decent servant for us? :lol:

      I asked the very same thing months ago.  The replies were very childish with no substance or evidence of their hatred towards him.


    Aye same boat - he's a long way away from the worst of our problems. Can be a dick sometimes but can also be a matchwinner. Probably been more productive under Bruce because he gets to play more. He was benched for ages under Rafa and never complained, when he scored that beltasaurus rex against Fulham in the last game of last season he sprinted the length of the pitch to celebrate with us - to me looks like a guy who likes playing for us and over the 5 years or so we've had him he's not really caused anywhere near as much bother as we were told he would.

  2. I really needed a good half hour to sit and think about some of those questions.


    Especially the inter Milan players 2002/2003 champions league group stages. Francesco Coco! That’s like from the Lamine Diatta vaults of footnote players.


    I was going to put Coco, but I stupidly didn't ask whether it included trial players or not.


    I thought it must have meant a trialist because he specified friendlies were included. Still got it wrong like

  3. I really needed a good half hour to sit and think about some of those questions.


    Especially the inter Milan players 2002/2003 champions league group stages. Francesco Coco! That’s like from the Lamine Diatta vaults of footnote players.

  4. Thinking about it I'd probably need to do it in maybe 2 groups so some questions could overlap and I could use the same General Knowledge ones twice otherwise I'd need about 500 questions for General alone. :lol:




    To be honest I wanna see it done now

  5. I mean it’s really to answer: “not everything is black and white (pun well intended)”. It is like literally almost everything in life; something can be simultaneously good and bad. It’s possible to both enjoy and criticise without having an identity crisis, aneurysm, troll boner, student essay contest or panic attack.


    We knew Shearer kicked Neil Lennon in the head and most of us probably admitted at the time it was a horrible, nasty and disappointing thing to do. He was still our hero and still gave us lots of happy times. I both enjoyed his work but was able to criticise other aspects of his work.


    My fucking word, Susan.

  6. It's perfectly possible to enjoy supporting the club but still disapprove of the actions of the owners in other areas. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.


    My main gripe with Ashley has always been his running of the club I supported. I've only ever drawn attention to his shit business practices as a way to put pressure on his ownership of the club. For example, whilst I acknowledge he's a cunt, I can't say I lose any sleep about how Philip Green runs his retail empire. He's of no consequence to me.


    What I want from my football club owner is someone who does their best firstly for the football club and, secondly, the region. Irrespective of how much I disapprove of their other practices, I'm not going to fight against them if they're doing their best on the footballing front. I'll let others who are involved in that specific area fight that fight, because first and foremost I'm a football supporter, not a diplomat or MP or Journalist. Let others do their job in that regard and I'll do mine of enjoying the football.


    After 13 years, I fucking deserve that much. I'm too tired.




    x infinity

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