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morpeth mag

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Posts posted by morpeth mag

  1. He's a mouthpiece for the Board. As I recall hitzfield and O'Neill dominated every poll. But even if it were true Speherd is paid £500k pa to get appointments right - you don't just listen to the fans - though it would be better if he did.

  2. Can't understand why he didn'y come on today for the last 20 mins when we'd clearly run out of ideas. For me I'd have brought him on for charlie who had a quiet game. He could have played left or swopped with Duff. He may not be everyone's cup of tea but we needed a change today and he was it. The squad is thin enough as it is without the manager making it one lighter. All I can presume is that the club are still p*ssed he turned down Bordeaux.

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