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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1.                 Harper

    Taylor Rozehnal  Faye  Enrique

    Geremi Barton Emre N'Zogbia

              Viduka Owen


    Subs: Martins, Cacapa, Smith, Milner, Forster


    I'd prefer Geremi to Milner, although neither have been impressive the last few matches.  Geremi offers more defensively.  Neither Barton or Emre have looked good so far, but this is the perfect opportunity for that partnership to take off.  Owen over Martins, but either would be fine. 

  2. If we lose next weekend, Sam will have a hell of a job restoring the fans faith in him. Especially considering the following 3 games are against Liverpool, Blackburn and Arsenal.


    If we lose I think a reaction will be more to with how we lose.  If we go out and try to win then it's not the end of the world, if we try to defend a 0-0 and lose then I think questions will be asked.


    I'm sure Allardyce will have the players up for this game, his approach is the key issue for me because I think this game is a game we can and should win.


    I think if we lose, there will be intense criticism regardless of how we played.  That is true regardless of the opposition, but especially against a local rival with a relatively poor team. 


    All this criticism about Sam's tactics is going way over the top.  I doubt very much that Sam told the players before the Reading or Derby match 'OK lads, remember, we want a nil-nil here'.  What I'm sure they were told is to show discipline and organization - something they failed at.  What Sam's Bolton consistently managed to do was dictate the way a game is played.  Even when they played direct, "negative" football you very rarely saw them with the sort of errant passing, lack of discipline and general cluelessness that we displayed against Pompey. 


    I've yet to feel as though we are "holding back" in the games we've lost, because it never looked as though we had control enough of midfield to sit back and defend.  I'd like to be at the point where negative tactics were costing us points, because at the moment we have the bigger problem of poor individual performances.

  3. 1. Why can't we pass like other teams at this level?

    2. Why does everyone but the manager and the players see that Owen and Martins are 5ft tall and incapable of dealing with long balls?

    3. Pompey have a better squad.  Good team.  Doesn't excuse how poor we were though.


    Portsmouth don't have a better squad than us.


    They might have a better system too.  But I'd swap several of our lot for theirs at the moment, especially the midfielders. 

  4. The Scottish and Welsh associations are thought to be motivated not so much by Anglophobia as the fear that combined teams would give Fifa an excuse to cut the political power of the home nations. For historical reasons, they each have a vote on the eight-member International FA board, which determines changes to the Laws of the game. However, this year Sepp Blatter, the Fifa president, gave assurances to the FA that a combined Olympic team would not threaten this privileged status.


    Gordon Smith, the chief executive of the Scottish FA, denied that this was the key reason for the Scottish stance. “There’s no great benefit for us,” he said. “It’s not really considered a [major] tournament. It’s in August and doesn’t take into account the requirements of the season at all. It’s asking players not to be involved with their clubs. It was a board decision not to participate. We’ve got our own identity at international level.”


    Miserable git.  Blatter has told them that it won't affect their entry into future international competitions.  Would it kill them to just cooperate in the interests of a better Olympics?

  5. Miami 3 - Giants 0


    Just curious - who do they have doing the commentary on the UK broadcast?


    No clue, listening to the cringe-worthy Fox team.


    "Hey Tony, you know what Big Ben is? AHAHAHA"


    ;D  If you thought the likes of Lawrenson and Platt were asinine, just try listening to the guys on Fox.  Just comical. 

    It is a shame though that the first game outside the US was the football equivalent of Villa v. Wigan because it can be entertaining in an over-the-top American sort of way.

  6. ..... and football shirts become colorfull and flourish like WWF costumes

    .... ahh yes football must have cheerleaders team also.....


    they all do that cause they want to make football capitalism...






    And I'm sure that Bolton or Reading or someone have cheerleaders.


  7. When you are playing against slow or average defenders (Dawson) then you should play Owen & Martins together.  But against better teams or away you need someone like Viduka to hold up the ball and for set pieces. 

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