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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. I've just said that he is our most important player, so yes we have.  But Martins is a good replacement so we don't miss him as much as other teams do their best players.  That might also be because they are used to playing without him, but it might have to do with the fact that while Owen is an excellent goal scorer, he doesn't impact a game in the way some of the league's better players do. 


    Having several talented players is a good thing, but all the best teams in the league also seem to have one player that is clearly a cut above the rest.  Newcastle lack that at the moment.

  2. I think managing a Premiership club and England simultaneously is FM fantasy.  It couldn't be done - both are full time jobs. 


    I'm not actually sure that Sam should be the FA's first choice anyway.  If money is no object, they should really be looking at Arsene or Jose.  Someone to re-organize the whole set up.

  3. The reason they put out stuff like this is because they know that it will draw in lots of people to the Times Online website who will then post "Martin Samuel is a cunt, we pay his wages!" or something like that in the comments section.  The hits to the website generate additional traffic.  It pays to be controversial/idiotic.

  4. thats the problem Decky,we look like a team in  an elevator,we are perforing good one game and poor the next,cant see any team we are going to beat away from St,jamses.Cant see how Sam can bring us any silver of the way he is playing football,ever heard about one touch football,ok if yes,then go traing on one touch for a week,how many wrong passes had we??20-30 loosing the ball to City.


    You have a point about the passing, but I don't understand blaming the manager.  It's not as if he tells some of them to pass to a City player or to slow down a good move by passing 5 yards behind a player making a forward run.

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