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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Fair enough.  I think most of the foreign supporters on here are probably ex-pats anyway and most of us have probably been to SJP (after all, Newcastle isn't the most obvious choice for glory hunters).  But if the booing 15 year olds embarrass you when you stand next to them on a Saturday afternoon, then they annoy you when you hear them on TV.

  2. when I lived in the US I thought it was class when yanks turned up in the pub at 7am in their toon tops to watch us. 


    If you had been in America this weekend and watched the match would you be entitled to criticize booing at the end of a 0-0 draw?  I can understand being annoyed if some foreigner tells someone going to matches that they are being loud enough, but I don't think that was the point being made.

  3. I've forked out for three season tickets while Owen has been at our club, and you get some tit in America saying I can't have an opinion on his performance after I went to the game. Favouritism? I think Owen is a much better player than Ameobi, but Ameobi looked like a player trying to fight his way back in the team.


    You have whatever opinion you like.  My point is that I don't understand singling out a player who came on for a half hour when we'd already played 60 minutes of useless football.  Ameobi might have looked more lively, but how many chances were either of them provided with?

  4. 4-3-3 doesn't work at home.


    Some people need to realise that it's going to take time for us to improve and we were over confident after the Bolton game. A point is a point , no goals conceded and we missed some decent chances.


    Give our players time and I'm sure it'll work




    The standard of football was very poor at times, but we came up against a good, organized team that plays a very similiar system.  Add in the fact that the midfield underperformed and did not pass the ball well, and we failed to create enough chances.  One game does not mean the tactical system has failed. 


    Not a great day but no major defensive mistakes, and we come away with a point.  Good result.  All this kneejerk reaction is probably coming from either hyper-optimistic people who thought we were finishing 4th this season or those who seriously underestimate Villa.

  5. The blatent favouritism of some people is just incredible.  We've decided we like Geremi, Rozehnal & Martins and we don't like Owen & Carr and we'll be damned if we let their actual performances get in the way of that judgement.


    For me, the weak link today was the midfield three.  Geremi, Butt and Smith were tasked with maintaining posession and distributing it to the wide players (Oba & Milner).  They didn't do it.  Their passing was not up to standard, and we failed to provide the strikers with any opportunities.  To single out Owen (especially when he was only on for 30 min) doesn't make any sense.

  6. The mass inferiority complex of NUFC fans continues.  Even when refuting what he's always been accused of, people still have a go.


    Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face, all we ever seem to do.


    Well said.  Some bastards are only happy when there is something to whinge about. 

  7. How the feck did he pass the medical?


    Because he is fit? Just maybe the whole HIV/AIDs thing was a urban myth.


    I thought the long term medical condition was his wrecked liver.  One of the national papers (Times or Independent) mentioned it, so I'm guessing there is some truth.

  8. Ian Payne just said that the last time Man U didnt win either of their first 2 games they went on to win the treble  :kasper:


    Nice of someone in the media to put a positive spin on it for them 

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