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Posts posted by Haz

  1. Even as shot to bits as he was on Sunday, he oozed more class, more bottle than the present kernts at SJP.


    I still think they treat you like shit the way you were kicked out but you were always bigger than that.


    RIP Bobby.

  2. Fuck the team bonding.  Heard it all before.


    1.  Why did the team need to bond (yet again)?

    2. The team will bond with whover they are drinking with at any given time.

    3. They still cannot play football like a fucking team anyway.

  3. Without incriminating yourself, just far would you personally go to ensure the survival of NUFC?


    How far would you go to ensure success(whatever that elusive creature might be?)

  4. 4 pages on a piece with no direct quotes. :facepalm:


    :lol:  I don't think we are lucky enough for this story to turn out to be bullshit.


    "Direct" quotes have been no guarantee of validity.  Hey lets fuck over the NUFC fans again; it's been a good couple of days.

  5. Ok, I hesitate to ask but Id like an appraisal by some of you with your fingers on the pulse.


    What is happening to our great club?


    I stopped going to the match 2 seasons back and I dont read the chronicle so I am at odds to know whats going on.


    From what i surmise, we are way behind in our preparation for the coming season, no manager and NUFC is bleeding to death in a gutter at leazes park.  I seems as if nothing can move or begin.


    Is that what is going on or is there some optimism? somewhere?

  6. Had to go into bandit country yesterday (three bars of soap and it still wont wash off) and on the way there is an official sign on a post saying,  "This way for the Stadium of Light, the North Easts ONLY premiership stadium"


    Twats were quick enough to put that up.



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