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Posts posted by Rob

  1. Just reflecting on the result and I have to say this result, potentially, could be huge.

    To use a cliche, it had every possibility of being "after the Lord Mayor's show" and a defeat (and maybe even a draw), could have knocked the confidence back to pre-Blackburn game levels.

    Having come through it with a win (and from what I read, not too bad a performance), and with the euphoria that a last minute winner always brings, it could take a huge weight off our shoulders. Maybe some smiling faces in training on Monday.



    overall it was a good performance... our quality of passing and the "Final third" needs to be looked at though.

  2. brilliant result ... i thought we might of had that kind of performance after the arsenal match to be honest. This is a really good win... normally we would have lost or drawn this kind of match... dont give a flying spanner about the performance, although from what i saw we deserved it.. we fought like we did against arsenal, but we had better quality overall going forward... final third needs to be looked at.. we were lacking people in the box in the right areas... if the players keep playing like this i will continue to support sam

  3. I am going to back him for now based on this performance.. I think he's changed his tactics and is getting the players to play with more heart and more attack... we didn't try to just contain them we got at them, and if it wasn't again from some poor defensive midfield paly and a make shift defence we may have won that.  If we can get a settled back four and work on the defensive midfiled role, we'll do ok.


    Im looking forward to us kicking Aresnal off the pitch on wednesday

  4. If people are calling that header from Martins by the six yard box an 'easy chance', then they need to re-think. The ball was bouncing over his head and Friedel was fast coming out to meet him. Wasn't a sitter by any means.


    It would be better to call it a sitter, Martins can't score those apparently..


    It would have been a golden chance for Peter Crouch.


    'Golden Chance' is the tier just below 'sitter', btw.


    at the height the ball came into the box it would have hit crouch in the bollocks

  5. i am considering putting a bet on on us not having a shot in the first half ... SS (Stupid Sam) will play the same - stupid tactics - with the same palyers in the wrong position, meaning the palyers, becasuse he wont listen to rational common sense, will and are carefully revolting against him to get him the boot.

  6. andy gray scratching his head wondering why liverpool are playing bad tonight... having passed the life out of newcastle on saturday, and could have scored 6 or 7


    nowt to do with us being absolute shite has it andy?

  7. if we have faye back and he's paired with beye, and he switches to 442 with the players in the correct positions and plays the ball on the deck, we'll have a chance

    with beye in the middle who would you put at right back ?


    as pullman states geremi

  8. BS needs to take a long hard look at what he is doing.... and stop doing it.


    He is single handly sapping the confidence out of the team and the supporters with his ridiculous tactics and formations.  He needs to admit to himself that what he has done so far hasn't worked.  If he does this and then changes his tactics and gets the players to play and enjoy their football again I think he will turn it round and I will continue to stick by him if he does this. 


    If he continues with these formations and negative style footballl and continues to stiffle the creativity of the players we know we have, it will only get worse.  The next game will be very interesting and if he plays in the same way as yesterday then I don't think I will be able to continue to support him.

  9. we dont attack enough now to take the pressure off the defence


    everyones scared of losing possession, so much so that they are too scared to take risks, so they try to take more time in passing and when they think about passing the inevitabley balls it up, also the palyers round them are too static, like shit scared rabbits.. this exposes us too easily , we give the ball away, and are on the back foot for most of the game.


    It's not just the defence to blame, it's just the way they are told to play.

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