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Everything posted by ATB

  1. I hope we don´t need to see Bramble=S
  2. Ronaldo is best! I´m never seen a better player.
  3. ...and Shepherd who can´t employ a good manager!
  4. Roeder wont be sacked thats for sure. But I hope a lot of player will be sold because they are not worth to wear the shirt. But how can Solano start ahead of Milner!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. it´s funny. most of the swedish suporters really like this new strip. Even other suporters are doing that! It looks like swedish and english suporters has a different taste=P
  6. sounds intresting. but to be honest I haven´t seem him so much so I don´t really know if he is going to be better then Emre. But it sounds intresting and for me Emre isen´t good enough
  7. ATB


    I agree with everyone her that Edgar has looked good when he has played. Therefore I can´t understand that Roeder thinks Hunt, Carr and Ramage are ahead of him. Especielly Hunt and Ramage should be behined him! I also get very upset about Roeder and how he get favorites. Playing Ramage game after game for example even if he´s s*** 11 of 10 games. But player like Luque (I´M not defending Luque and saying that he should play more. But it is the way Roeder is thinking I´m comment) he only gives one or MAEBY two games!
  8. Roeder is really shit and I don´t see any positive sinze with him with the rudder .
  9. I got a lot I want to say. But it would take me hours to get it done so I´m not sure how I will do. Anyway so will I not do it today.
  10. ATB


    I can be very frustrated at Crouch. Why on earth is he using his arms when he jumps?! He´s tall enough to win the longballs. Again Frustrated by the lacking of goal, as I am with Newcastle. England under McClaren = Newcastle under Roeder
  11. ATB


    another thing that crossed my mined. Richards was amazing today. wich he was a NUFC player becasue his somting extra. Just look at his offensive runs...love them!
  12. ATB


    good midfield play. But when it comes to create chanses and scoreing goals were not even close=( Buy the way. good defending at the goal...
  13. I go for number 2. As long as Fat Fred and Roeder (as a manager) are in the club we want climb the table. Wi will rather go downwards. Shepherd Out! Roeder Out!
  14. Sibbe another year. definitive! But I agree with a lot of you. Sibbe is not a player you build a top 4 team, or even top 6. But with our thin squad and with our more alarming defence problems that must augment first, Sibbes contract is great. When Roeder and co get more between the heads and straighten the defence Sibbe must go. But Sibbe is not only the problem. Becuase as long we have Ramage, Pattison, O`Brien, Baba, Carr and Bramble even near the team we won´t climb the table.
  15. It´s a fucking joyke that Roeder are missing Carr! It´s just told us what a crap manger he is when every Newcastle fan i the world can see he´s not PL material. BTW If anyone hasent understand. This is really great news!
  16. ATB

    Robert is playing

    Robert is class....or was class. now his sh*t
  17. ATB

    Paul Robinson

    "o´Shea is better than robby! Better then robby...."
  18. ATB

    Robert is playing

    the undergoing game Real- Levante will be really intresting. Laurant Robet is playing=D!!!!
  19. ATB

    Paul Robinson

    ah is O´´shea in goal now? what happend with van der sare? and dont they have a reserv keeper?!
  20. Bramble is often playing well. but in the games he always doing 1-2 things that gives the opponent a goal. and then it dosen´t matter how well he´s playing. we can´t have a player like that if we want to win. Goochy will maby not be the gud we hoped fore. but if he can put his efforts togheter and don´t make errors like Bramble he will without a doubt be a starting player.
  21. of course it´s not tells you all. but it´s tells you alot.
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