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Everything posted by TêteDeMaure

  1. So you can't name one thing he's good at? Handballing.
  2. Big group that continually get up, talk about how s*** the SPL is, then keep going in twos to get pints? I dunno, barely understood a word they said. Ditto, got to be the same group of lads. I bought tickets off them for the Stoke game, they barely watched the game, 1 Rangers fan, and the rest Hibs, i had to keep nodding my head and sayin Aye at them, two sold their tickets for drink. Nice bunch nevertheless.
  3. Big group that continually get up, talk about how shit the SPL is, then keep going in twos to get pints?
  4. Why did he end up at Wigan?Or why did Boro sell him? I thought he was like worshipped there, as some kind of local boy wonder. THen he was gone :S
  5. Oh Habib. I hope the scan say's it's just bruised and he can return for West Am.
  6. I actually want him to move to Arsenal, he deserves to win something. We should play Harper, his amibition matches this club, in that they have none.
  7. Man united will still win the league. I hope so. I'm used to them winning, so it's easy to take.
  8. I reckon we should all blame him for the defeat today He's not to blame for the defeat. He's one of the reasons that we, as a club are rotten. Makes the club look desperate, hanging onto a past it star that never ever wanted to be here, we had to beg for that, and now begging him not to go. Should never ever have been here. Shearer gone, and him gone, decent manager, hopefully we'll stop this star worship. Be a unit a propper team.
  9. Bleeds red but would more than likely join Everton. He's a fucking mercenary of the highest degree.
  10. Because he's a sexy lad. Could have played by himself and he'd have beat us.
  11. I'm actually enjoying it. Laughing my fucking tits off. HATE Taylor, hate Owen arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh enough to make a person mad. Next stop, dumped out of the FA cup YEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
  12. We are not a big club, just alot of supporters. We've always been rubbish. No model to go on just a mismatch set of players, don't play for the club, for themselves, or together.
  13. WIsh we had the ugly fucker though. We going downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
  14. What a load of rubbish. Just what is rubbish about that? We still expect the team to show a bit of f***ing passion at home thats why. No matter who it's against f***ing hell man. Fair enough if we lose but to just literally stand there in a trance and let a team top of the league walk around you is a piss take. They've done that the whole season long. My question is, why do you expect that when you know it is never going to happen?? They've done it all season long so they can take a break today then? They've been shit all season long, and consitently put next to no effort in, even when we've won.
  15. What a load of rubbish. Just what is rubbish about that? We still expect the team to show a bit of f***ing passion at home thats why. No matter who it's against f***ing hell man. Fair enough if we lose but to just literally stand there in a trance and let a team top of the league walk around you is a piss take. They've done that the whole season long. My question is, why do you expect that when you know it is never going to happen??
  16. Expect and even WORSE raping down that side now from Benayoun, get in.
  17. Yeah terrible eh, we should have made sure it ended 2:0... Should be f***ing 2:2, more bollocks from referee's/linemen! And before people say they should be well up, they missed those chances or we stopped them either way, quite different from the linesman stepping in and taking away a goal. For christ sake, do you think they keeper would have just stood on his line and the defender near Owen stop and keep his hand up and let Owen run free if they hadnt realised that the flag was up? There defender was standing with his hand up before the lineman even raised his flag, Owen was in front of him and Duff was in a position to simply slide it accross. It was a easy chance for us if the linesman had made the right decision. Owen hesitated, and im sure if they liverpool defender hadnt realised that the flag was up, he would have been up Owens arse like a shot, and Reina wouldn't have stood rooted in the middle. Don't clutch at straws man, it's sad.
  18. Yeah terrible eh, we should have made sure it ended 2:0... Should be f***ing 2:2, more bollocks from referee's/linemen! And before people say they should be well up, they missed those chances or we stopped them either way, quite different from the linesman stepping in and taking away a goal. For christ sake, do you think they keeper would have just stood on his line and the defender near Owen stop and keep his hand up and let Owen run free if they hadnt realised that the flag was up?
  19. i expected a football match. we'd have saved a lot of money on appearence fee's if we'd just put 10 cones out on the field and given I didn't. I don't think we've been involved in one since Everton, that's including wins. I dont expect anything from Newcastle, and the last things i expect are heart, effort or passion. Still i'd rather be sneaking wins without them, than being West Brom with all of those attributes but nothing to show for it. Think we'll get lucky this season and stay up. Not with effort of fight though, because the other teams are worse.
  20. No I didnt expect us to beat them but these guys are professionals ffs!!! They cant defend for f***!!! It just isnt acceptable! Because they aren't good defenders! That's why! You can't make a 5''0 lass a supermodel can you?! Were our defence good against Porstmouth even? NO, they got raped time and time again, it was down to Crouch and Defoe being totally hopeless with every chance they got. If they'd have scored the chances they had, we'd have got a drubbing.
  21. I still expect them to try. Nothing to do with trying. We still wouldn't match them with 100% effort. League leaders 2-1
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