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Posts posted by Sifu

  1. 3 hours ago, Danh1 said:

    If we stay up, Bruce is going to be unbearable.

    Despite this being the worst division I can remember in terms of quality. Us and Fulham are literally falling over ourselves to finish 3rd bottom. 

    Yep, he'll laud it as one of his best achievements in his "managerial" career and be all "I told you we'd be fine."

    He'll end up having a LinkedIn page like Carver's.

  2. For me, today's game was another example of us looking rather decent owing to the opposition's lack of urgency and decision not to constantly press us  (this isn't to take anything away from our performance btw, just an observation).

    When we are given the time and space to work openings, we do resemble a football team and that, in turn, comes with deserved rewards (with today, it was a draw at the very least and certainly, had we taken our chances away, we could have won and that would have been deserved).

  3. nah. would sing sad geordie basatard instead.


    Fake Geordie b****** would be better.


    Fat Geordie b****** would trip off the tongue slightly better.


    Message would be stronger with "fake". I'm so sick of the mainstream punditry saying that he's one of us when he clearly isn't.

  4. 0-0 written all over this.

    The sad thing is, a draw will be spun as 'three ahead of Fulham, game in hand, our three best players are about to return, good job'


    What's sadder is some fans would lap that up.


    Obviously my personal view of the situation is that we're a disgrace and to have won no games out of the last four (including this one) would be an appalling return, regardless of injuries. But if your expectations are absolutely minuscule, getting through this period with some reasonable daylight between us and the drop zone and with zero defeats will inevitably be spun as a positive with some justification (again, within the context of paltry expectations).


    In terms of tonight, as usual I hope we don't lose because of the inconvenience of relegation in terms of the takeover, but won't feel a thing if we win. It's basically just a preference to win than lose at this point, rather than anything emotional or rousing.


    As it is I think another draw is nailed on. Tends to happen when a point each suits both sides.


    This is it in a nutshell. If there is still any hope of a takeover occurring, it'll be in our interest to avoid relegation so a win is the preference... can't see that being the result tonight given the corward who is our Head Coach


    Get what you're saying in your post though, think my main focus of irritation is based on some of the Newcastle fans I've met down here (through work), they're just happy to accept the club the way it is no matter the circumstances (ie. the lack of any ambition for us to be better, the whole "it is what it is").

  5. If we don't win against Brighton, think that's us done imo - if we don't have enough about us to beat a relegation rival, it'll tell all you all you need to know about the "fight" in the supposed head coach and his squad of players.


    Bruce is (obvs) literally hoping for a resurgence when ASM, Almiron and Wilson are back in the fold...which is an absolutely dangerous game to play.


    And Bruce calls that management? Fuck off.


  6. What's been definitively realised this season (and, of course, last) is that Steve Bruce is an absolute bigger cunt than Alan Pardew and John Carver (football managerial-wise [you can add Allardyce and Souness]).


    Fuck him right to hell.



  7. It's a shame to see them in their current plight.


    It does look like teams have now found ways to nullify their overlapping 3 CBs system and that, in combination with a lack of quality in midfield and upfront, seems to have destroyed the team's confidence.


    Signing Brewster but starting him from the bench behind the likes of McBurnie and McGoldrick (players who work hard but offer little in the way of movement) doesn't particularly make sense. Wilder is stubbornly persisting with a failing system and it doesn't look like he's open to making any tweaks to it any time soon.

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