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Posts posted by Sifu

  1. While tonight's result is an absolute downer and things look rather bleak next month, there's still that hint of hope in my mind that we'll stay up - we've improved little by little as a team so call it blind optimism or whatnot but once we become a real cohesive unit with Howe's ethos fully instilled (and with the right individuals in the team), I can see our fortunes changing.


    For the first time in a long time, all fans are fully into it all again with a sense of hope. The fans will be just as important as the players.


    It's going to be tight finish come May and it won't be pretty along the way but I'm still just about of the opinion that we'll stay up.


    4/10 atm.

  2. 21 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather the women’s team not be called a club, but a team, because they should be part of the whole Newcastle United Football Club like the reserves aren’t called the NUFC Reserves Club. 

    I think that's the plan long term, it used to be a separate club until 2016.

  3. 7 minutes ago, toontownman said:

    Maybe. Possible he is asymptomatic too. We will just have to see and cross fingers half the team don't have it. Being more unrealistically optimistic maybe it is a false negative and he can make it tomorrow when they work that out in the morning!


    Was basically what happened with Son before our game against Spurs...

  4. If, under Howe, Shelvey decides to change his attitude and approach to actual games (that is, significantly reducing his "Hollywood"/lazy long passes and developing some form of awareness of his surroundings when we're defending [and therefore actually concentrating]) then fair play to him - I'll go even as far to say that I might start liking him and I'll be content enough to keep him in the squad until his contract expires.


    However, I don't hold much hope that he'll change his attitude and ways owing to how he was under Rafa in the 2018/19 season.


    It's make or break for Shelvey for the rest of the season.


  5. 5 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    First game for me since Rafa's last. Would love a new manager in place, but doubt it. Chelsea, with fans in the ground, have won up here once in 10 years. Tuchel's Chelsea look outstanding though, will be so, so tough.


    My first game since the Rafa era too. I'm not expecting much from us but really, what I'm looking forward to the most is just walking up those steps to my seat and seeing St James' Park in its full (cleaned up) glory and finally being back home.

  6. It's clear as day that the consortium will want Bruce binned off soon and this press conference "performance" will certainly solidify that view.


    When he does get given his marching orders, I have no doubt that he'll quickly become yesterday's news and the mainstream media won't give a fuck about him anymore and move on to the next story worth reporting.

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