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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Fantastic news that Hope the lad does well tonight.
  2. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Oh I definitely agree with that. Atmosphere is f***ing dead there. At the Fulham game, I wanted to join in with the songs but I felt embarrassed to do so in fear of being given odd looks. A bit unfair I think. A lot of the most passionate and long standing fans are in the PC and the atmosphere is not that bad - although I was once asked to sit down ! Of course you're correct in that the demographic of that part of the ground is very different to L7 or the Strawberry corner for example. It has always been the same - years ago the Leazes was for radgies and produced ear splitting noise ; the Gallowgate was for young uns often accompanied by parents; the paddocks were for sort of better off people ; the popular was for long suffering moaning bastaads and the seats were for posh people - but nevertheless staunch fans - probably a bit like today's PC. SJP always has and still can accomodate different types of fan and age group and I would passionately support any movement for a standing/singing area which would produce a real noise and atmosphere although I probably wouldn't want to be in it any more. Well the occasions I have been there, I did feel a bit our of place. It is probably full of lifelong fans and I do respect them, it's just that like I've said, I feel slightly out of place there if I attempted to sing and all that.
  3. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Aye since he signed a new contract , he looked lazy like a mule... You mean he has been something other than that before? In all seriousness I don't think he has been any good since that purple patch enduced by Kinnear... and even that was short lived due to injury. I think I am fully exhausted berating/hoping he fulfils that flashes of talent he had and resigned to keep the goofy, lethargic enigma until he retires. He shouldnt be anywhere near that first team, but he is still here due to many reasons. - No one wants to take him off our hands and he is happy to get paid here. - Given our depth I don't think we had much choice but to keep him around. - He doesnt kick up much of a fuss if he is benched. - He has always trained well (apparently), so is a good role model, - Being around will help Sammy through is another reason he got another contract. All that said its shocking he should ever start ahead of Ba or Best tbh and he looks even slower, clumsy and demotivated than normal this season. Just about sums it up....
  4. I said the exact thing before the Scunny game last month.....and look what happened
  5. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Unfortunately so but can't really turn down free tickets tbh. I do prefer sitting in the Leazes, at least I can sing a bit. Need to try the Gallowgate at some point like.
  6. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Oh I definitely agree with that. Atmosphere is f***ing dead there. At the Fulham game, I wanted to join in with the songs but I felt embarrassed to do so in fear of being given odd looks.
  7. Sifu

    St James' Park

    From time to time, I sit in the Platinum area (free tickets from my Dad's mate who has connections) so seeing the new sign will hurt my fucking eyes because it's right in my f***ing view, staring at my face
  8. Sifu


    The mackems are watching! http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=629669 :omg:
  9. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Is this just a forum in joke or is there meant to be a video somewhere in this post You're not allowed to post videos on this forum. What Sewelly has done is simply to name the video for you to search for on a popular video site.
  10. Echo? (That list sounds like a load of bollocks to me).
  11. Sifu

    Leon Best

    From googling, the fee has been quoted at £650,000/£1m. Bargain either way like!
  12. Did he actually say that? f***ing hell Just seen it on SSN, and he's deadly serious. I can understand him saying something like 'the team is functioning well and at this moment it would be difficult to break that up' or something similarly non-committal, but the way he says it is simply that he rates Ryan Taylor higher, at least for now. Pardew could have definitely worded his response better.
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