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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Ah feck sake, why is he still being mentioned
  2. http://ongoalsscored.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/andre-villas-boas.png?w=640&h=768
  3. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    I hope not.... Although I guess that with a blog, people won't be able to twist his words...
  4. Can't see him leaving this season. Next summer will be an entirely different matter, however. Both him and Jonas will be gone next summer. it's likely. chances of us replacing them properly? i'd say about 30% 0.1% tbh.
  5. Can't see him leaving this season. Next summer will be an entirely different matter, however. Both him and Jonas will be gone next summer. Wouldn't be surprised
  6. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Think you're looking too much into it.
  7. shane_fergie shane ferguson sorry my phone was leaning against suhin didn mean to write that lol
  8. Wouldn't be an issue if footballers all weren't massive c***s and actually played the game because they enjoy it. Such a f***ing waste of a career 90% of this country would kill to have. I'd struggle to find anyone who wouldn't play football for £1000 a week, yet these pricks are winging at dropping from £150k to around £60-70k. f***ing bellends Aye, a f***ing sad state of affairs. Not quite the poverty line is it. And to soften the blow of only having £70k a f***ing week wages, they get to play football in front of 40,000 fans every week. Poor lambs Adebayor earns more than 28,000 times as much money as someone on the official UN poverty line. F***ing hell.
  9. Wouldn't be an issue if footballers all weren't massive c***s and actually played the game because they enjoy it. Such a f***ing waste of a career 90% of this country would kill to have. I'd struggle to find anyone who wouldn't play football for £1000 a week, yet these pricks are winging at dropping from £150k to around £60-70k. f***ing bellends Aye, a f***ing sad state of affairs.
  10. Wouldn't be an issue if footballers all weren't massive c***s and actually played the game because they enjoy it.
  11. "You're gonna miss" :lol: (The video may get removed soon so watch while you can methinks!)
  12. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Exactly my feelings.
  13. Wont be too miffed if we get Pieters. More concerned about a lack of a Striker
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