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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showpost.php?p=10608328&postcount=11 Yep, wow
  2. I'm going with Cissokho expected to sign, and hopeful with Maiga. Hope so.
  3. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Avatar change as well tbh Find me a picture from today
  4. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Avatar change as well tbh
  5. Really? He poured ice-cold water on Ryan Taylor's future in the team in the post-match interview. I think he even said 'wink wink' at one point.
  6. Sven will pour him a cup of team and tell him to carefully think about what he's done. Forgot about Sven's demeanour.....
  7. Forest 2-2 Leicester now Kasper Schmeichel's going to get a right bollocking after the game.
  8. Bardsley is and has always been scum. Awful tackle, the c***.
  9. After a run of games, he'll be his usual self.
  10. Nothing new then. Same old c***.
  11. Just found this on Twitter (may have been posted before but still a great video): http://www.twitvid.com/ZUXXN
  12. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Booked for a bit of handbags with Bardsley I think. EDIT: Joey was booked for dissent.
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