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  1. That's when reality hits, there's a dozen people I know I'd have been chuffed for had they won, but I'll focus on the positives until I see them.
  2. They're full of themselves, definitely Liverpool like in their self-belief, but nowhere near as bad as Rangers. There's a scum element, the Orange types, that just cannot be eclipsed by behaviour from elsewhere.
  3. Fireworks going off in the city.
  4. There's something really cathartic about a genuine sudden moment of celebration. Not bitter, this is justice. No-one else's fans deserves something less than them.
  5. So sweet. Heard nothing but people saying, today, they'd put money on a Rangers 2-0 win, 'at least'. I can watch all the union jacks disappear again across the city.
  6. Stupid fucking cunts. Hope it fucking succeeds next time and football dies, they fucking deserve, even if a lot of you don't.
  7. The only reason I'd want Rangers or Celtic down south is to shut their fucking fans up. I've been hearing it since I was a kid up here, they're all absolutely convinced if they were in the premiership, they'd be the biggest and best clubs in the world in a matter of minutes. Do not entertain the idea, they're the most loathsome bunch of fans on the planet. Plus you're inviting pure rank sectarianism into your league. Christ, they were stabbing each other after a game a year or so back, riots not long after either, and it's not just club supporters but wider IRA/Orange order sympathisers. They don't deserve it in any way, performance, conduct, how they treat the other clubs in their leagues, not one single thing could you find to reward these cunts. They shafted Scottish football in much the same way the big 6 do in England, in fact much worse, ESL aside. You're literally rewarding them for a century long corruption of the Scottish game, but I suppose this is all about making the premiership shinier, fuck Scotland.
  8. And just as my renewed interest in football seemed to be taking a firm hold, I'm out. Scum, the lot of them.
  9. Missed a lot over night, no time to read it all. So can I just clarify, they have not been punished, but actually rewarded?
  10. It's only brilliant if they're punished. If not it's a disaster, and a green light to do it again with a bit more thought put into it.
  11. Surely taking the heat, whilst the Glazers get to sit pretty. Good stuff, just it's them that need to go. Everyone worried about this when they took over, they have to be kicked out of football altogether.
  12. Yes, it could spin that way. But let's be clear, their track record protects wealth and power and they've ignored the problem for a decade in power.
  13. They'll have learned many a lesson over this. None of this is really over until the ownership issues are genuinely dealt with, which honestly, I don't think the Tories will go far enough to deal with.
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