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Everything posted by BlufPurdi

  1. BlufPurdi


    The first symptom of Englanditis, Dier..
  2. BlufPurdi


    Sweden aren’t getting two man We're still in the short window where Englanditis can hit. My nerves are getting worse as it gets closer to the end. being a Newcastle and England fan I’m still reasonably confident we’ll lose. Aye.
  3. BlufPurdi


    Sweden aren’t getting two man We're still in the short window where Englanditis can hit. My nerves are getting worse as it gets closer to the end.
  4. BlufPurdi


    I'd be more content with a third...
  5. BlufPurdi


    Mojo might get his keeper of the tournament demand after all.
  6. BlufPurdi


    We're actually, now, starting to play like a good team. Fucking embarrass the cunts.
  7. BlufPurdi


    Who was it that was hating Pickford a few games ago? Liability waiting to happen etc? Can't deny I kind of agreed, but delighted how he's maturing.
  8. BlufPurdi


    It’s probably not beer, pints of piss tbh Seriously? Certainly seems to be the case at music festivals. Would suggest probably not at the screen being watched though.
  9. BlufPurdi


    Cunts. Pure and simple. We let cunts set trends, is the long version.
  10. BlufPurdi


    If England wins the World Cup, man. If England wins the World Cup, I'm going to make Scotland fucking pay. You'll be the worst team to ever win it, man. I'm convinced. God can't be English. Just about anyone that wins it this year will be the worst team ever though, surely? Even Belgium, who'd I'd say are the best left, possibly, would be pretty low down on that list of 'Great WC Winners'. The French team is immense, tbh. I've still got them at 2014-6 rank in my head. I truly watch little football these days.
  11. BlufPurdi


    If England wins the World Cup, man. If England wins the World Cup, I'm going to make Scotland fucking pay. You'll be the worst team to ever win it, man. I'm convinced. God can't be English. Just about anyone that wins it this year will be the worst team ever though, surely? Even Belgium, who'd I'd say are the best left, possibly, would be pretty low down on that list of 'Great WC Winners'.
  12. BlufPurdi


    If England wins the World Cup, man. If England wins the World Cup, I'm going to make Scotland fucking pay.
  13. BlufPurdi


    Please go for a second, do not sit on this.
  14. BlufPurdi


    Who are we exactly? I'm still not sure we're anyone good. Kramer in that kung fu class. I'd love to appreciate this, but I still think Seinfeld is as poor as this England side. I find every game we're in absolutely boring as fuck, even the Panama game was boring and it had seven fucking goals in it. I'm not saying this with a "SACK SOUTHGATE" feel, just think we assumed some quality because we essentially beat two shit teams. Faced a good side, got beat (but we weren't trying, so that's okay (never mind the fact they weren't either)). Colombia, whilst I don't think we deserved to lose in the slightest, we only deserved our win because they were dirty bastards. We'll get found out eventually, and the fair weather "I LOVE ENGLAND (for a summer every couple of years)" fans will destroy what could grow into a decent outfit by highlighting their scapegoats and demanding change.
  15. BlufPurdi


    Who are we exactly? I'm still not sure we're anyone good.
  16. BlufPurdi


    Jesus Fucking Christ.
  17. BlufPurdi


    Shut up, it’s coming home. Nope, and it won't.
  18. BlufPurdi


    Got to be honest, I find a lot of the England coverage nauseating. Probably doesn't help that I'm in Scotland and amongst their general angst at it also. EDIT: Definitely not the Robson stuff, though.
  19. BlufPurdi


    Southgate's grown on me. Even if we went out last night, I'd have kept him. Stop the embarrassing the hunt for the next England manager, that we like doing every couple of years. I'd like him to get the chance to see this team to maturity and learn from a few of the mistakes made this time around. Regarding Maradona, what a cunt shocker. But seriously, how can anyone watch that match and see us as the bad guys there? They should have a red card pure and simple in the first half. The referee was terrible, but it in no way benefited us you fat stapled cunt.
  20. BlufPurdi


    Think we'll regret wanting Sweden, but fuck it, go for them. Be smarter than tonight.
  21. BlufPurdi


    Aye, wish we'd been like that in the second half.
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