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Posts posted by nufcmichael

  1. What business do have Danish fans owning an English club?  ???


    Dunno, a danish sports site brought the news that Chester was for sale for £1. A reader got the idea to buy the club and the interest has been massive.


    They have been invited to Chester this weekend to negotiate...

  2. A large group of danish football fans is close to buying the club.


    The idea is basically the same as in Barcelona and Real Madrid where the members elect a director.


    Should be interesting as they apparantly have some Danish/Russian fond backing them financially as well as an not yet named english bookmaker.

  3. Apparently ..this is the answer...don't blame me it's still crap.


    At an away game a copper asked the Stoke fans to sing something nicer with less swearing so they sung delilah and it' stuck ever since. It goes:


    Everyone gets quiet to the sound of shhhhh


    Then 1 guy sings the main but and everyone follows with:


    Oooooooooooohhhh, Oooooooooohhhhhhhh she stood there laughing ha ha ha ha

    I put my dick in her hand and she laughed no more

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Why why why delilah, why why why delilah

    So before you come to break down the door, forgive me delilah i just couldn't take anymore

    Ohhhhhhh why why why delilah



  4. Hopefully long gone, he's s****


    Not his biggest fan but would you honestly rather have had Guthrie there yesterday if we had the choice?


    Well hard to say, did you see the Derby game? Jonas was awful...

  5. Given > Harper

    Beye > Simpson

    Bassong > Kadar


    Yet we got relegated


    I therefore wouldn't have thought so.. I appreciate defending is about more than the back five, but the quality of the back five has not improved and whether they will get better protection next season (if we go up) remains very much up in the air (I wouldn't bet on it). It seems to me people are underestimating (if that is even possible) the difference in quality of the opposition midfielders and attackers between the Championship and the Prem..

    would you say that last seasons back four was better than hughes,bramble,dabizas,griffin ?

    Would you say that the quality of attack for mid to lower table teams was the same then as now? I don't think so. The extra money that all Premier league teams have now relative to foreign leagues compared to back then means even the poor teams in the league now are much better than the poor teams were back then player for player. So a like for like comparison of defences is largely irrelevant. The current back four would have been good enough in 2000, but that doesn't mean they're good enough in 2010.


    Plus Bramble is and was a far better Premiership defender than either Taylor or Coloccini.


    No he was not, Bramble made a lot more mistakes than Taylor and Coloccini has made...


    He'd make occasional obvious stupid mistakes which would be remembered for weeks, but he was far more solid throughout the game than either of them. Coloccini's usually too far out of position to make the mistakes Bramble made.  :pow:


    I agree on that, but Coloccini is getting there, in my opinion Bramble kept making fatal mistakes throughout his time at Newcastle. However Bramble did perform well when he had a decent defender next to him, Woodgate for an example.

  6. Given > Harper

    Beye > Simpson

    Bassong > Kadar


    Yet we got relegated


    I therefore wouldn't have thought so.. I appreciate defending is about more than the back five, but the quality of the back five has not improved and whether they will get better protection next season (if we go up) remains very much up in the air (I wouldn't bet on it). It seems to me people are underestimating (if that is even possible) the difference in quality of the opposition midfielders and attackers between the Championship and the Prem..

    would you say that last seasons back four was better than hughes,bramble,dabizas,griffin ?

    Would you say that the quality of attack for mid to lower table teams was the same then as now? I don't think so. The extra money that all Premier league teams have now relative to foreign leagues compared to back then means even the poor teams in the league now are much better than the poor teams were back then player for player. So a like for like comparison of defences is largely irrelevant. The current back four would have been good enough in 2000, but that doesn't mean they're good enough in 2010.


    Plus Bramble is and was a far better Premiership defender than either Taylor or Coloccini.


    No he was not, Bramble made a lot more mistakes than Taylor and Coloccini has made...

  7. Its impossible that both Taylor and Colo will get injured at same time? like was it Scunny and Notts Forest? Aslong as we dont end up with Simpson in the center, im happy...


    Na sod it, lets just ask them not to sign anybody at all thats not a world class player so that people on here can whinge about us, its much easier than crazy ideas like 'back up' and 'squad depth' isnt it?


    Would rather want players in positions where we need them. A winger would do...


    Then we can look at more players in the summer

  8. 26 years old and not a single match for a bottom Premiership club... well done...


    Let's give Butt a new 4 year contract while we're at it...


    Caulkin says he has not played for Portsmouth because a further instalment of the fee would be due.


    Keep up for f*** sake :D


    Sorry hehe, my bad then :D


    Still not impressed though :)

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