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Posts posted by nufcmichael

  1. If that list is correct, Christian Bolanos is on a free this summer. Would be perfect cover for Routledge.


    He played in Denmark for OB, but didn't rate him. I've heard that he's doing great in Norway...

  2. Dunga is signing his own departure...


    If Brazil doesn't win, people will ask why Pato and Ronaldinho wasn't in the team and Dunga will probably be sacked.


    To be honest Dunga shouldn't really be questioned in terms of results so far. He's won everything put infront of him..Copa America, Confed Cup, WCQ group. I also doubt he'll be sacked after this if he doesn't win it. That team will get to the Semis at least, and that is reasonable success.


    Maybe you're right, but there's one big problem.


    Brazil is playing Ivory Coast and Portugal in their group and if Brazil finish 2nd in the group, then they will play Spain in the first knock out round.

  3. Making that banner is one thing, but invading the pitch, and celebrating with Newcastle fans after we just sealed their relegation, is disgraceful.


    Of course it's nice that they were playing We are the champions, Blaydon Races and Local hero, but if we were to be relegated by defeat to Manchester United the same day they won the Premier League, no way on earth I would play them any songs.



  4. As harsh as it sounds, I've just no time for Hillsborough.


    Yes it was tragic and alot of people died, but it was also a long time ago now, things have changed since then and alot more worse things have happened so I don't see why we should have the yearly day of national morning which it pretty much turns into.


    If you look at the way Man U carry on regarding Munich I think is a prime example, they don't forget but other than the 50th anniversary since the event it's not been shoved in everyone's faces at the first oportunity.


    To me Liverpool are just a club who enjoy the attention of wallowing in self pity, its as though the entire club think it's cool to be sad.


    Agree, well said

  5. Think its ridiculous to be honest. From looking at Skirge's list Kadar has played 12 times for us and has been solid when doing so, a young lad whose played well and made a good contribution to our success deserves a medal, as does everyone else. The whole squad, management and everyone involved at the club has pulled together and been fantastic this season. They all deserve a medal and an hour timeslot to rub it in the face of every c*** journo who has ever slated them.


    Not to mention the countless times he's been on the bench as well, couldn't agree more...

  6. There should be medals for these players:





    R. Taylor

    S. Taylor



















  7. I'll be gutted if its sat cos im not going, hardly missed any away games all season but im missing this one.

    If We win and Forrest win, then Forest win on Monday, would a win for us against Sheffield secure it?


    Yes, we would still be 13 points ahead and Forest will only have 4 games left, which can only get them 12 points

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