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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Did have the ability to create a chance, but imo based on previous World Cups, he would have just compounded the problems with constant long diagonal balls and easily-cleared crosses from deep.
  2. For the millionth time, Lampard and Gerrard need to be dropped. They've consistently let England down and just look utter plebs if they're not scoring goals. Rooney had a nightmare, but this was the first time. Maybe the lack of GILFs in the vicinity of the team hotel is getting to him, who knows, but something was up with him, as he's never been this shit before.
  3. Lampard trying to run with the ball at full pelt
  4. Gerrard has been wank too. As per usual for England, constantly giving the ball away cheaply.
  5. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:m_q8ztHyOjjN_M:http://www.potloads.com/uploaded_images/cut%2520out%2520sack.jpg Capello. Go Go Go!
  6. http://www.stt.si/public/assets/images/europe.gif
  7. Why aren't we getting more replays of the goal? They showed like one or two at most, then that's it. FFS. I want to see it replayed at least 4-5 times from multiple angles given how good the shot was.
  8. Great goal, looked like poor keeping from Howard though.
  9. Great pass from Juan "Bradley" Veron there.
  10. The Slovenian players have eerily similar eyes. Even the manager has it. Almost Oriental.
  11. God. Final 20 minutes has been pathetic from both sides. Retarded football at it's best.
  12. Germany and France out in the Group Stages. Already an awesome World Cup if that happens.
  13. http://www.freewebs.com/gorillazsanctuary/Pictures/Murdoc.jpg is not happy.
  14. Haha what a class runup followed by a pass into the back of the net.
  15. Making such a big deal of Henry coming on the pitch. If he does what he normally does for France, he'll do fuck all after coming on.
  16. Fabrice Pancrates taken off for France.
  17. Manchester United on the field.
  18. This is how football should be. End to end, both teams attacking.
  19. This is a quality game so far.
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