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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. tmonkey

    Loïc Remy

    If he stays at QPR then all of this Champions League talk really meant give me more $$$ Not sure I understand why staying at QPR reflects poorly on Remy. He wants to play for a CL side and no doubt dreams about a progressive, accepting high profile club like Arsenal, but he's not going to accept a lower wage packet to run the risk of sitting on the bench/be used as an infrequently rotated striker ala Ba. Seems fairly logical/understandable to me, one of the benefits of joining a CL club is meant to be the substantial pay rise that comes with it, and no doubt that's the primary reason why players are so desperate to move to these elite clubs. Otherwise these big clubs wouldn't bother paying silly wages to their entire squad...
  2. Feel sorry for them, probably they only good thing in their lives was this world cup, now they all have to return to their tin houses and look at the wall. $14 billion well spent.
  3. As Alan Pardew would put it, Brazil woz Raped.
  4. Just aim at the corners ffs. Shooting it straight at Neuer.
  5. Easily in this World Cup. Guivarch did nothing in a very defensive French side that played with an isolated forward, Fred has just been absolutely horrendous in every element of his play.
  6. Oscar trying to be a hero. Just get it in you wanker.
  7. This is some Kill Bill ruthlessness though.
  8. Sideshow Luiz :lol: Chelsea must be laughing at their luck in selling him before this.
  9. Might have read it wrong, but didn't someone say there was a FIFA conspiracy to ensure a Brazil-Argentina final?
  10. Marcelo looks thick, plays thick, acts thick.
  11. Marveaux needs to play in Cabaye's AM role. If he's capable of playing very well against the likes of Arsenal and Manchester United in this role, as he did in the 2012/13 Christmas period, he should be in used in that role fairly regularly, and should have been thrown straight into that role in the first team on a permanent basis after Cabaye's sale. Instead, he's only played there a handful of times in the past few years because our manager is Alan Pardew and he has an entirely different set of ideas that involve ensuring Marveaux never gets near that role (e.g. sticking Shola up top and hoofing it to his head).
  12. Robben vs Messi Best "big game" player of the past couple of years (imo anyway) vs arguably the best player ever who's slowly getting back to his pre-injury-problems best. My money would normally be on Robben having another standout game with Messi being kept quiet/frustrated, but this Dutch side is too open (and composed of Premiership lower-mid table calibre defenders) so it'll probably be Messi running riot.
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