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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. At this rate he'll be sold. Looks quite a bit better than Debuchy to me, defensively and going forward.
  2. Yanga had a mini run of 3-4 games alongside Williamson when Coloccini was injured - that was when he needed to "take his chance" without being dragged down by either Saylor or Coloccini (as Williamson was in decent form himself). And for many of us, MYM did "take his chance", he clearly looked to be a good foil for Williamson adding some much needed pace at the back, read situations fairly well, won some important one-on-ones, brought the ball out of defence and distributed it nearly as neatly as Colo. It was criminal that Colo was allowed to walk back into the team at Mbiwa's expense despite (a) being in s*** form (and continues to be in shirt form), (b) making it very clear he no longer wanted to be at NUFC, and © coming to the end of his career whereas Mbiwa would have been the future. But then that's Alan Pardew for you - casts talented players aside and then claims he has nothing to work with. Absolute moron of the highest degree.
  3. Not this s*** again. Ashley is a crap owner but he doesn't pick the team, dictate tactics or run training sessions. Ashley hasn't consistently picked inferior players (Smith, Perch, Gosling, Ameobi) when other options have been available to the detriment of the team and club as a whole. Ashley isn't the one who has shoehorned players into the team out of their natural positions, destroying their confidence and nullifying any threat they might have once offered. Ashley and Pardew are a good match for each other, they each cover the other's inadequacies but it has gone beyond the point now where Pardew is only holding back the club with his own shitness. Pardew is now the root cause of most of the team's issues and has to go. You ask why he should simply walk away since he has a contract? Because it's got the point where the crowd detest him, the players no longer give a f*** and even the media have started to wake up to his inabilities. If he walks away now he might still get another job in the Premiership or top end of the Championship, the longer he allows it to continue the more questions will be raised about his skills and fewer clubs will think him a potential asset. Walk away now and let the media run with the stories that it was Ashley's way of running the club that harmed the team, or carry on and let everyone know it was Pardew himself who couldn't organise a gangbang in a brothel. Mark Hughes or David O'Leary, pick a career path. I'm not saying that Pardew is innocent either, I just feel that Ashley is more to blame. Yes Pardew picks the team, but how much of a say does he have in the players at his disposal? He has shown in the past that he can get results when he has the right players. He is no scout, I doubt he even knows who half of the players we signed this summer actually are but we finished 5th with Pardew as a manager and a very average side tbh. But when Ashley decides he wants to sell our best player (by far) because he is far more interested in lining his own pockets than the fortunes of the football club. That is why, imo, Ashley is more to blame. So sick of this 'we finished 5th once so he must be good' sh*te. I really am. Ipswich have finished 5th with George Burley. Allardyce finished 6th with Bolton. Do you want either of them as manager (again in Fat Sam's case)? Is it qualification enough? Numpty fluked it, it can happen. He'll never manage it again and don't kid yourself or any one else gullible enough to listen that he can. The Cabaye thing is utter nonsense too, as though a team falling apart entirely due to the sale of only one player is acceptable. Even the best teams in the country lose key players now and again - you didn't see Arsenal turn into relegation candidates after Fabregas' sale, or Spurs after Bale's sale. I can't even recall such a huge nosedive after losing just one player where we're talking about comfortable mid table to genuine relegation form as a result of one sale. The only valid criticism of Ashley regarding Cabaye's sale imo is that a replacement wasn't signed when yet again we sold a key player in the January window, which is a blatant tactic by Mike (i.e. sell when CL teams are likely to be most desperate, no replacement = save on wages = get to pocket even more cash from NUFC). But even then I think Ashley can be excused in this one instance, because we already had a ready made replacement at the club - Pardew should have thrown Marveaux straight into Cabaye's position as soon as the sale was made (in addition to Ben Arfa being the first name on the teamsheet) and given Sylvain at least 6 games in that position to make an impression. Instead Pardew, by his own admission, wanted to "try something different" after Cabaye went, which is why we then reverted to playing out and out hoofball where we were no longer even pretending to try to play football on the deck (which is what we had done in the months leading up to Cabaye's sale). He'd then only briefly throw Marveaux and Hatem on in random positions with no clear strategy/planning saying "go on, pull rabbits out of a hat" whilst the rest of the team was hoofing it/standing still, before then blaming them for defeats. That's 100% Pardew incompetence, and nothing to do with Ashley - the only criticism I'd have of Ashley in this whole Cabaye sale thing was not sacking Pardew, because had he done that any decent manager would have come in and played the team many of us were crying out to see but which Pardew flat out refused to play (Marveaux the tip of a central midfield trio, Ben Arfa on the right of a front 3).
  4. What's Jelavic doing still on the pitch?
  5. Jelavic has been really poor all night. Looks like a fish out of water in his general play.
  6. Even if he does get sacked, I suspect deep down Pardew will still be pleased that he managed to give Hatem the boot as one of his final acts as NUFC manager.
  7. Just another day in the office for Pardew. No biggie, the big grin and lots of "we woz" will make it all better.
  8. All Hatem's fault of course. Didn't try hard enough. Lazy. Bad attitude.
  9. "I am a defensive master". "I set my teams up to play front foot attacking football".
  10. Unless he's thrown money away with a gambling addiction, he must be. Professional/Premiership footballer, manager, numerous sackings and compensation, TV pundit, newspaper column, the 8 year contract was supposedly worth £20m+ according to a few of the rags (no doubt performance related but I can imagine him getting a couple of million per season for keeping us in the Premiership).
  11. He has a massive ego and thinks he's special - simple as that imo. He's in an exclusive job that millions of people in this country alone would love to have yet would never be eligible for/considered, he's a multimillionaire in a position that (in theory, and in his presence anyway) inherently commands respect from some players, staff, media outlets, fans, etc, he's relatively famous and has a newspaper column, he almost certainly has some hot women throwing themselves at him and is probably the center of attention in his personal life - of course he thinks he's good at what he does because his position in life reflects that of a highly successful individual in the greater scheme of things. I don't for a second think he's remotely aware of how s*** he is at this job, hence why he comes out with things like "if I was on the touchline I might have prevented that goal". Like Allardyce, the man is delusional as to his abilities as a coach, the type of football that his team plays, and his own importance, and no doubt writes off all of these criticisms aimed at him as coming from people who know far less than himself and who don't appreciate the constraints he's working under. Probably also blames the "system" that hasn't given them a fair crack of the whip (i.e. if they were coaching ManU or Barcelona they'd do alot better) and the foreign managers for taking all the top jobs. "If my name was Pardici....". He reminds me of the South Park episode "Fish Sticks" when Kenny says to Cartman that his ego is so big that it does whatever it can to protect itself, performing "mental gymnastics" to convince him that he's awesome. Just look at Pardew's attempts to re-write history with his recollection of Javier Mascherano being in the reserves under him (after initially starting games). All the PR stuff he comes out with in the media where he says "X/Y/Z wasn't good enough" followed by "I need to do better in this area", that's where he's lying imo - he probably thinks he did nothing wrong but is having to placate angry fans by accepting some of the responsibility of the failure caused by his players to not jump high enough and not run fast enough.
  12. I voted stay by accident It's logical to assume that the first option will always be the positive, the second the negative. Every poll says "Yes or No", none say "No or Yes". I blame the poll.
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