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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. tmonkey

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    To be brutally honest, those 8 minutes probably did more harm than good in terms of him getting into the team. Didn't have the time to do anything positive, which is fair enough/only to be expected, but he actually managed to lose the ball 3 or 4 times pretty cheaply (including one in his own half close to the 90 minute mark, giving England the chance to break forward), which could have been costly for France on another day. Given that he's the main player I'm looking forward to watching in this competition and the annoyance of seeing the likes of Malouda ahead of him on the team sheet, it's a tad disappointing that he wasn't more focused as I'm desperate for him to do well (for NUFC ultimately).
  2. Most of that hair was from his arse.
  3. And there we are. Milner gets praised for being utterly shit.
  4. Malouda could be playing out there in a mobility scooter and it wouldn't make a difference. Get Hatem on ffs.
  5. Slipping out of our fingers with every classy little touch of the ball.
  6. This is turning into men against boys.
  7. Holy fuck that announcer.
  8. Abou Diaby so close there!!
  9. France have been really laboured, not even bothering to get players into the box. There for the taking.
  10. Awesome ball in by Gerrard.
  11. These are the premium adverts.
  12. Milner out wide Don't trust Lescott, the guy is always on the verge of clumsily giving something dangerous away (pen/free kick).
  13. tmonkey

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to see one of our best players better himself. Bayern are a bigger club than we'll ever be, and if you enjoy attractive, skillful football on the ball mixed in with German effiiciency and vorsprung doch technique, then you'd appreciate the thought of Ben Arfa playing alongside Ribery and Robben. The three of them would be like the footballing equivalent of the three muskateers, with Schweiny being D'artagnan. If you can't put selfish NUFC aspirations aside for one second to appreciate the bigger picture then you're not a real football fan imo. Schweiny Kroos Robben Ben Arfa Ribery Gomes That's dream team material right there.
  14. tmonkey

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If he did leave, I'd like to see him sign for Bayern Munich. Imagine a midfield with Robben, Ben Arfa, Ribery, Schweinsteiger.
  15. What a car crash of a clearance. Why aren't they showing more replays of the actual mistake?
  16. What the hell happened there?
  17. Closest thing we've had to end to end action. Good game so far.
  18. 7 replays of the same header. I like it.
  19. Ah man, that would have been a class goal.
  20. Llorente would eat some of these crosses.
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