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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. Well, that means we are spending f*** all in January then. Yawn.
  2. Without putting 'yous are all talking s****' I don't know what else they can do other than give him a new contract now. Which they're right not to.
  3. can you elaborate on how they could have been more resounding? chris is our manager, he will remain or manager. how more resounding can you be?
  4. only media pressure tbf. i dont think its coming from the board, and it certainly isn't coming from the fans. if its possible, im even more desperate to turn the unwashed over now.
  5. SO what are the "more questions than answers" in that? The End of Year part, still over 2 months away. Why not this year. To see how we're doing? Exactly, if they trusted Hughton now they would give him new contract now, or be in talks with him. (Remember december is a very busy Football month as well). They've given themselves time, for if things go tit's up before the January transfer window. surely thats a good thing??? what is your point here exactly? It is a good thing, but it's the club not 100% backing Hughton imo. if its a good thing, why do you want them to give him a new deal now? Tbf, I've crossed my points. Apologies. If they want Hughton 100% they should give him a contract now. If they are unsure of how things are going, they will say contract negotiations will be in the future imo, the statement falls into the latter. fair enough
  6. eh??? what am i believing?? they are giving themselves time to see how we do, as we should. the statment says they'll renegotiate at end of year. if we're doing s****, they wont. what are you getting at exactly? I just don't believe the statement about them going into negotiations at end of the year, think they'll use excuse's to put it off till end of the season. and you dont want them to i take it? tell me, what do you want the club to do. before you said give him a new deal now, then you said its a good thing that we are waiting to see how we do (as mentioned, is the most sensible thing to do). which is it? how would you like the club to have reacted to tonights rumours? where are the holes in the statement? you've nee clue man.
  7. SO what are the "more questions than answers" in that? The End of Year part, still over 2 months away. Why not this year. To see how we're doing? Exactly, if they trusted Hughton now they would give him new contract now, or be in talks with him. (Remember december is a very busy Football month as well). They've given themselves time, for if things go tit's up before the January transfer window. surely thats a good thing??? what is your point here exactly? It is a good thing, but it's the club not 100% backing Hughton imo. if its a good thing, why do you want them to give him a new deal now?
  8. eh??? what am i believing?? they are giving themselves time to see how we do, as we should. the statment says they'll renegotiate at end of year. if we're doing shite, they wont. what are you getting at exactly?
  9. SO what are the "more questions than answers" in that? The End of Year part, still over 2 months away. Why not this year. To see how we're doing? Exactly, if they trusted Hughton now they would give him new contract now, or be in talks with him. (Remember december is a very busy Football month as well). They've given themselves time, for if things go tit's up before the January transfer window. surely thats a good thing??? what is your point here exactly?
  10. And they'll still find something in it to spin it as a negative one. give them neesy's number.
  11. agreed 100%. think the club have handled it well personally.
  12. i disagree personally, i think it will mean end of calender year. (dont set neesy off man!).
  13. tell me, what did you want them to say given tonights media bullshit? Nothing, because every statement they come out with has more holes than a golf-course. They say nothing and the speculation triples. They release this and at least the media can't spin too much of a web. No, they give Hughton a new contract now, and that ends all speculation. As if it's that easy. It's not a piece of paper rushed up on Microsoft Word for them to print off and him to sign whether its that easy or not, why should they do it? (agree with you btw).
  14. tell me, what did you want them to say given tonights media bullshit? Nothing, because every statement they come out with has more holes than a golf-course. They say nothing and the speculation triples. They release this and at least the media can't spin too much of a web. No, they give Hughton a new contract now, and that ends all speculation. so they bow to media pressure? and alter plans theyve had all along? this gets more and more daft.
  15. tell me, what did you want them to say given tonights media bullshit? Nothing, because every statement they come out with has more holes than a golf-course. wheres the holes in this one? so, you wernt happy with the rumours, but youre still not happy that theyve put them to bed? what did you want them to say exactly? the plan will always have been to renogtitate at christmas, why should they change it? because of media rumours? bollocks man.
  16. tell me, what did you want them to say given tonights media bullshit?
  17. SO what are the "more questions than answers" in that? The End of Year part, still over 2 months away. Why not this year. Surely you're joking?
  18. SO what are the "more questions than answers" in that? Precisley. Some people on here are as bad as the media .
  19. End of Year, hmm seems as though they are giving themselves some time to make decisions. Give over man.
  20. Statement: 'Chris is our manager, he will remain our manager, we will renegotiate his deal at the end of the year'. Good.
  21. How is there more questions than answers??? What a cock burton is. How more clear can they be?
  22. Didn't deserve 0-4. Makes no odds like. Let's move on to Sunday.
  23. the text just came from a mate. not itk in anyway (no shock there!), just rumours in toon apparently.
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