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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. I thought he played well, don't get me wrong. But how can he still be on corner duty?
  2. Are you joking? If anything he doesn't get them high enough.
  3. Offered nothing today. Glad to see him brought off.
  4. I live in Manchester. And it's hammering it down. Honestly don't think it will be a bad thing for us if it's off like.
  5. Aye it's never stopped raining here since last night. Could be in doubt I reckon.
  6. lovejoy

    Keith Gillespie

    ive just read robbie savages book. sounds like the coachs etc at man utd didnt try to stop his habit, he would nip out from training etc to put bts on for them. he apparenlty once took their cash, didnt put the bet on because he thought it had no chance, it won and he had to pay it himself.
  7. lovejoy


    Didn't think of Mowbray. Very good shout.
  8. lovejoy


    Could go after tonight. Still think oneill will take over.
  9. Good luck to him. Hope he does very well.
  10. sorry, just realised somebody has already pointed out what I just said.
  11. Its a fourth rate competition and ceased being worth anything when Boro lifted the trophy. Stick with the second string CH. Bullshit. I'd f***ing love to win it, even if it's partly to get the trophy monkey off our backs. Exactly. If we won it there would be loads of ‘any old s*** will do as long as it’s a trophy’ types celebrating like we’d won the Champions League, which would be really embarrassing for those of us who still think NUFC is a proper club not some micky mouse outfit. and thats why we get the shit we do.
  12. lovejoy

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    talksport are apparently having a go at shearer re: ben arfa, saying he admitted on the show he didnt know who he was or where he had came from? cant say i remember that like.
  13. Aye forgot about balotelli.weird thought that such a big footballing country have so few players here.
  14. Just watching sampdoria v Napoli and thinking about Italian players. Are there any (first teamers) in the prem currently?
  15. some guy on the everton board thinks he's "not ready" to get into the everton side. In fairness, it'll take more than a wonder goal to convince me he'll be a success in this league. I don't disagree. But what a start.
  16. Fuck me. He danced around them at will today. Drifted in and out a bit, but when he was in he was top drawer.
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