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Posts posted by Mag3.14

  1. 6 minutes ago, Nexumaster said:


    Hopefully something like that is in the works with a proper dev company!


    This is what concerns me about the new digital ticketing mechanism/app - it and the supporting infrastructure will need to be a lot more robust than the current web site. Hopefully they'll have a successful 3rd party handling this for them 

  2. 7 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    It is but IMO the club will think the lower wages to Maddison and no disruption to wage structure far more offset it. I think they real problem is a release clause has to be paid in one go I believe (?) and can’t be structured to help FFP. We paid for Gordon up front so our wriggle room is tight. Like that Rob lad says if nothing else is looking likely and Liverpool start getting closer they may just pull the trigger if FFP allows it which I’ve no idea if it does or if I’m reading how it works wrongly ?‍♂️ 

    I think the way the fee actually is paid does not affect the FFP calculation, which has the fee split/amortised over the length of the contract up to a maximum of 5 years 

  3. 1 hour ago, NUFC91 said:

    Jokes aside got get a canny song for a silky italian.

    Hope so, my worry is we'll just get a bland chant of "to-nali, to-nali" similar to Toon army, toon army :anguish: 

  4. 2 hours ago, OverThere said:

    League One or Championship team next. Maybe Bristol Rovers?

    Aye, send him down to Joey Barton, worked out well for us with Anderson going there 

  5. 2 hours ago, toontownman said:

    I think the problem someone mentioned is to move up you have to win the league and THEN win a playoff against the southern league winners to go up.


    I think it's going to be an long process for the lasses. Looks like they are doing the long approach like Eddie and will be building up the youth and trying not to dismantle the squad morale bringing in too many new players and pushing out others. This is a step up though so there will have to be some turnover. Liverpool Feds who pipped us last year managed to finish 9th out of 12




    Changes for next season (if ratified by the FA), both teams winning the respective northern & southern leagues will be promoted - there wont be a playoff between them to get into the championship 

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