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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. I can't see either party wanting a minority stake.. Makes no sense, it's got to be all or nothing.
  2. Quality comparison Spot on. Nope, 20 million is 20 million. The comparison would be more factual if Bill Gates would have just won 500 million in Vegas.. I think he would be tempted to call it the day and order a bottle of champagne.. 40 pounds would be used as toilet paper by either billionaire, so I don't see how this would be a good comparison...
  3. That's a good way of looking at it, but it ignores the fact that if he sells at a profit so quickly it is partly at the expense of investments that could have otherwise been made into the club by the new owners (aside from obviously our previous owners, who would have sold too cheaply).
  4. I hope this isn't true. Even though commucation from Mike Ashley has still not been up to scratch, at least Mort was making all the right noises these past few weeks.. It will be interesting to see what they will do now. Can they resist the temptation of a quick, huge profit if this materialises into a serious bid? Also, how will the Halls and Shepherds feel if that's the case?
  5. No they don't.. They look at the performance of Newcastle United and Newcastle United only and conclude there is still a lot of work to be done regardless of other teams' performances and results..
  6. Do you think booing the players after a draw will help Sam and what he's trying to achieve then? It's not a question of being holier than thou, but your reaction to one game is certainly thicker than thick. What an utter disappointing reaction to a point well made. Also, nothing too wrong with that Neil Farrington article. Why can't people just call it like it is and say we were lucky to get a draw and we will need to do better..?
  7. It looks solid enough for a match away at Old Trafford or something, but not to be repeated for a home game against midtable opposition please..
  8. Well, this will put the fans back with their feet on the ground.. Still a long way to go..
  9. Yes, that's our only option now. Viduka may be a world class finisher, but he's not at his sharpest today to put it nicely..
  10. N'Zogbia is surprisingly solid defensively at left back I have to say..
  11. We're playing 4-3-3, Milner has been good, so how do you come to the conclusion that Milner is not suited to 4-3-3?
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