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Posts posted by danswan

  1. If you're going to restrict your argument to gaining promotion, then that makes Aidy Boothroyd, Neil Warnock, Alan Curbishley etc etc great managers. They've all got ability, but I don't think they receive the kind of messiah-like, exaggerated praise that Keegan gets.


    I'm not saying the guy hasn't got his strengths, but the hysteria that surrounds him gets in the way of any objectivity as to his real worth, compared to the alternatives.


    The other major criticism of Keegan is that once the upward momentum stops, he loses heart. That's what happened here, with England, and with Man City. That's the flip side of this mercurial image of his.


    Loses heart or recognises he has done what he can and moves aside? I think we all recognise Keegan won't be here for decades but at least there was/is some 'upward momentum' to make me enjoy watching the team play, which tbh is all I am really bothered about.

  2. What Keegan achieved before was done under conditions that don't exist any more - ie the ability to outspend the opposition. A lot of people are not facing up to that.


    Brian Kilcline, Gavin Peacock, John Beresford, Paul Bracewell, Scott Sellars (a few of Keegan's first signings, from the top of my head, im sure theres plenty more) weren't bankrolled, they were pretty prudent IMO and Keegan gelled them into a team that absolutely annihalated the opposition in getting promoted. This wasn't chequebook management, and that is what I mostly remember Keegan for. That promotion season, 10 in a row, chanting "Newcastle United will never be defeated" with absolute belief. This was what Keegan does, it was all built on optimism hunger and a desire to play great football, not money.


    Of course money follows success, but buying then unknown Andy Cole for a hefty sum (was it 1.7m or similar?)was hardly Keegan flashing the cash was it? Having proved himself to be an excellent manager money was then made available to him, he happily spent it but our success back then wasn't built on a chequebook.


    In my opinion calling Keegan a chequebook manager either shows ignorance or a pandering to the populist view created by the media.

  3. Let's face it, given the usual brilliant timing of our managerial changeovers, [/b] we've effectively started the season with managers who didn't choose their players almost as often as not over the last dozen years.


    except that Man U appointed Alex Ferguson in the November, and Arsenal appointed Wenger in September 1996. Bad timing ?




    Although Man United then gave Ferguson 3 years to win them something, and 6 to win the league.


    A whole 3 years?  Now that's patience! :D


    3 years = 7 managers tbh

  4. bacon sarnies? very healthy




    Newcastle United's players have branded the appointment of new manager Joe Kinnear as "bizarre".


    One revealed to the People: "We were all looking forward to getting back into a good work-out on Friday morning to blow away the cobwebs after the Spurs defeat, but when we got to the training ground we were all herded on to a bus.


    "We weren't told where we were going but we ended up having a walk along the beach and seafront at Tynemouth. Then we went into a local cafe and had some bacon sandwiches.


    "The look on the faces of the people there told its own story. We then boarded the bus and told to go home.


    "That was our preparations for the match with Blackburn. It was all a bit bizarre to tell the truth."



    Fuck!!!!, that is bizzare.


    Bacon sandwiches are the nectar of the gods. Wise move, Joe.

  5. I really don't understand this 'quitter' slur that Keegan gets.


    He has left us both times as a result of boardroom interferance.


    He left Citeh because he was unwilling to commit to a new long term contract. (Clearly must have been doing something right to have been offered it)

    He left Fulham for England with Al Fayed's blessing.


    However because he had the nads to walk away from the real impossible job (Engerland) he has been pattered in the press ever since, and clearly even some of our own fans believe the quitter bollocks.




    he'll definitely leave us in the shit again, so no thanks "messiah", stick to golf.


    The fact he has quit, rather than been sacked all those times tells us he is a good manager, if nothing else. When he threatened to walk all those years ago it strengthened his position and went on to even greater things here. Had Ashley not called his bluff he would be here in a much stronger position and the club would be all the better for it.


    I'd much rather he was still here, but the Kevin Keegan I look up to so much wont do things by halves. That's the Keegan rollercoaster and the few months we have had riding it have been the most enjoyable following the club for me since Robson. Call me sentimental, backward thinking, whatever you like, the fact is he is a good manager, he fits this club like a glove and there is NOONE better to run it than him. He will walk if he is not backed and supported, so back him and support him ffs.

  6. the hall's have been bad for the club over the last 8 years, makings 10's millions each season through dividend's etc


    the shepherd's and hall's combined have made 400 million over the last 18 years from nufc


    If thats true then we all know why these billionnaires are snapping up footie clubs. 


    These billionaires would make 400m in a month, week, maybe even in a day with their investment funds and what have you. I think most of the billionaires are after something other than cash (fun, kudos, adulation, recognition, who knows?)

  7. but then again, dont forget villa were average in their first season under MON, and had that been us he may well have got the sack. also, probably man city will finish above villa next season.


    Well maybe on both counts. But if you look at the Villa squad, I don't think it's better than ours. O'Neill just has the ability to get an extra 10% out of all his players.


    The sign of a good manager is someone who can overachieve on the resources that are available to him. I don't think Keegan has ever shown that. When it comes to over-selling himself, he's up there with the best though.


    When has Keegan ever over-sold himself like? Our performance at Man U was the utter antithesis of what you said, inferior players outplaying superior opposition. You seem to imply that he only does well with resources available - his first game as manager against Bristol City 3-0 just completely shatters that argument, players who looked utterly piss poor and heading for the old third division suddenly believed in themselves and Newcastle United, and they continued playing for their manager as he dragged us out of the shit that season. What happened next wasn't bought, it was built on the enthusiasm, drive and belief of the best manager we have ever had.


    As has been said before, none of us know what actually happened, yet people still choose to believe that Keegan has 'flounced off' and dropped us in it. I believe he loves this club, I believe he knows what is best for the club more than anyone and I would give anything to have him back.


  8. Fair play to him to admit he was at fault for the goal..


    People seriously need to cut him some slack, he's still 22 and got years ahead of him, he'll get better by time.


    It's nice to know he knows it is something he has to cut out. It totally eliminates any chance of an offside when he does that as well.

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