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Posts posted by danswan

  1. Haven't seen any of these players other than youtube clips, but traditionally there have been swathes of class players coming over the border to grace our league. the last 15-20 years has seen this almost stop but, with Scottish football on the up again, I see nothing wrong with Keegan cherry picking the best prospects.


    Of course, it would be nice to be linked with other nationalities too...

  2. Don't agree with any of that. If it was right, there would have been far more Peter Beardsleys, Teddy Sheringhams, Tony Adams and Gianfranco Zolas around




    Tony Adams??


    Complete plug off the field, by all accounts. Absolute beast on it. Lead the Arsenal backline for years? Captained England?


    Great player yes, but intelligent? And mentioned in the same breath as Pedro, Zola and Sheringham?

  3. Our debt situation was fine, it was triggered by the buy-out and thats what Ashley couldnt see before buying, hence the surprise. Maybe no one wanted to tell him (halls wanted to sell so didnt want to highlight a deal breaker, shepherd didnt want to sell and didnt want them forewarned if they got their hands on the club).


    The other bits and losses would have been sorted once the 30m extra per year TV money kicks in. Other clubs will gain this too but the likes of pompey and blackburn have much lower revenue bases already, meaning that the ground capacity would have continued to deliver a financial advantage over most clubs.


    Yes. People need to grasp the fact that the club wasn't on the brink of some great calamity.


    until Smith signed...

  4. If we have not picked up 4 points in the next 4 games, Keegan must be sacked.


    What a good idea.


    It's quite clear ''King Kev'' can't manage anymore, he's fucking past it, why can't people just accept this? He's been out of football for 3 years, and look at our team, we aren't European contenders anymore, we are a joke. Now, under Keegan, not Allardyce we are in a relegation battle. Since Keegan has been in charge we have conceded 13 goals in 5 league games! How is this acceptable? In the same amount of time we have scored a meager 3 goals.


    We are now 6 points off the relegation zone, player morale is the lowest I've seen it in a very long time but the supporters need to wake up and see Keegan has lost it. Allardyce was doing things with this club, Keegan no longer has the ability to do so.


    Are you on crack?


    btw, @ Kaka, what I said before wasn't a dig at you, it was just the general feeling on here, summed up by the above post :o

  5. If there's one manager I have faith in, who won't pick players on reputation and will not let players live on past glories it is Keegan. This man quietly moved on players like David Kelly, Gavin Peacock, Micky Quinn and replaced them with better. You can't live on the past, he has consistently proved to be an excellent football manager and will come good for us again.


    There seems to be a large group of people who post on here who seem to have subscribed to the shit in the popular press which states that Keegan is a nice bloke who likes everyone to attack, does not understand tactics and thinks training revolves around playing cards. This is not the Kevin Keegan who dragged us, Fulham and Man City out of the shit and established us in the top tier. He isn't off to a great start, granted. However he will turn us round, get everyone pulling in the right direction and he will get rid of anyone who isn't good enough or commited enough to help him do that. As far as I'm concerned this is guaranteed based on what he has done before and the character of the man which we already know.


    I know a lot of it is wind-ups, but some of the shit posted on here beggars belief.



  6. Steve Harper.


    I know you're trying to be zany, but please tell me that you're joking as in you think he's from Newcastle.


    I don't know where he's from, thought it was Newcastle or surrounding areas but obviously not. Not sure what your problem is with me.


    I said Steve Howey, and he's a Mackem. Thought you would all be up in arms tbh.

  7. Last time Keegan was here he disbanded the reserve team. It is obvious that he would prefer everything outside of immediate first team affairs to be delegated elsewhere, and we are trying to get someone with immense respect and knowledge of the game based abroad to help us out.


    I really can't see how this could be a negative.

  8. Why oh Wise!?


    I can't see the logic in his appointment. I was hoping if we appointed a Director of Football that he would be someone who was a deep thinker on the game, someone respected throughout the game, and someone who had built up a huge network of contacts within the game, IMO Wise fails on all 3 counts.


    His appointment smacks of jobs for the boys with that t*** Kemsley advising Mike Ashley.


    Where's the link between Wise and Kemsley?


    There isn't a strong one, they simply all know one another going back to Wise's Chelsea days when Jimenez was heavily involved. 


    Relating to the original post, not so much jobs for the boys as jobs for the ones you trust.  Nor would I describe Kemsley as a t***, ruthless c*** maybe, just like Ashley.  Neither got seriously wealthy by being nice, two peas in a pod.


    My swear filter is off. Why am I seeing stars?

  9. The club should start a little side business - charge foreign players who want better contracts from their own club a small fee in order to "officially inquire" and use the club's name in negotiations.  Make some money out of the deal.


    So every single player we are linked to abroad just wants a better contract?




    Except the shit ones, yes.

  10. i would play enrique every week. not just because i think hes a good player, but hes also somebody for the future. he has pace, can pass, safe on the ball and when he clears it, its often up the field, not over the sideline. this also frees up the mighty ZOG to our midfield.


    could be a success to try ZOG as a link between the midfield and a lonely striker, playing faye and barton at CM. this is if we dont bring in any diegos or van der vaarts though :celb:


    What's a sideline?

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