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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Get gouff off, wont happen..prolly more likely to take Krul off.
  2. I hate this fucking clown, honestly even seeing his fucking pock marked face sends me into a trembling rage.
  3. Not going to happen even if we go down by 3 or 4 goals today sadly.
  4. Same problem as the mackems last year, wasn't OG their top scorer for a good while?
  5. We can't break down a wet cardboard box tbf It's f***ing really serious and needs to be sorted but it won't - not an ounce of creativity and nobody looking like putting the ball into the back of the net. Long, long season ahead and boring boring s*** to suit. It's not even funny now, really is a f***ing joke. Laugh or cry lad its up to you, but this cunt aint going anywhere in a hurry.
  6. We can't break down a wet cardboard box tbf It's f***ing really serious and needs to be sorted but it won't - not an ounce of creativity and nobody looking like putting the ball into the back of the net. Long, long season ahead and boring boring s*** to suit.
  7. Errr..because he thinks he's great when really hes really shit?
  8. The King doesn't need to explain himself to no one man. Hes the King, he don't give a shit what we think.
  9. Still and always will be a fucking fraud of a football manager. Fucking prick.
  10. How the fuck did Gouffran stay on for 90 minutes? He was anonymous.
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