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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. I suspect the details of pay are more of an issue with Venables than what fans may or may not think about him...


    I suspect that I'd be more inclined to believe golfmag...


    Aye, but do you believe Terry Venables?


    I fucking don't.

    Do you want the job? Consider it, we're all out of options.

  2. Whether this is true or not (and it sounds plausible enough), it's exactly what I feared would happen as a result of the amateurish show of strength by the fans ringleaders. I hope True Faith, The Mag and the rest of the rabble rousers are reading this.


    I rate Venables as a coach, he's exactly what we need as a short term appointment. I hope him and his wife overcome their doubts and take the opportunity. We need a manager.


    I think it's unfair to blame the fanzines, everyone was a little....hectic a couple of weeks ago, I know of people who weren't taking their kids because they knew how it was going to be. I was fucking livid myself, even cheered the banner which I later realised was silly, people wanted a focus, and that was it. I'm not blaming 'us' btw, just saying there were mistakes made by many parties, supporters included, me, you etc.


    Not really a response to you, but I quoted you anyway, we all make mistakes ;)


    I don't blame fans for being livid at what happened, but those who supposedly speak for the fans have an extra responsibilty. If you are going to organise and set up protests in the name of the fans, through publications and in print, at least you should think through the consequences.


    Perhaps so, but they're not professional journalists, just supporters who happen to write about it, carried along with the rest of us who lost our rags a bit, the important thing is that the future is more important than the (recent) past.


    I have nothing to do with any publication before you ask, only rarely read either.

  3. Whether this is true or not (and it sounds plausible enough), it's exactly what I feared would happen as a result of the amateurish show of strength by the fans ringleaders. I hope True Faith, The Mag and the rest of the rabble rousers are reading this.


    I rate Venables as a coach, he's exactly what we need as a short term appointment. I hope him and his wife overcome their doubts and take the opportunity. We need a manager.


    I think it's unfair to blame the fanzines, everyone was a little....hectic a couple of weeks ago, I know of people who weren't taking their kids because they knew how it was going to be. I was fucking livid myself, even cheered the banner which I later realised was silly, people wanted a focus, and that was it. I'm not blaming 'us' btw, just saying there were mistakes made by many parties, supporters included, me, you etc.


    Not really a response to you, but I quoted you anyway, we all make mistakes ;)

  4. Terry V's Black and White army!


    We're not going to get anyone better right now, I say go for it.


    After much depressing thinking, I actually agree.  One day we'll all look back on this and laugh.


    It's definitely just resigning yourself to what's on offer rather than wishing for an ideal. I hope the laughing day is sooner rather than later. I'm even having trouble with gallows (Gallowgate?) humour right now.

  5. Oh I see what you mean, the cockney gangster bit as well as Souness. No, I was just bemoaning the terrible state our club is in when they're seen as the best we could hope for.


    I skipped out on going to the game last night, even left the pub at half time, I really can't remember doing that before. If I could stop caring I would. Can cope with the highs and lows, but this feels like a roller-coaster which only does downwards. Could be worse, and will be if the mackems beat us next month. I'm expecting some long overdue abuse from them.

  6. Can anyone moaning about Venables answer this question:


    "You need an emergency manager to come in for one month. Who do you appoint?"


    If you can't come up with a satisfactory answer then shut it.






    peter reid

    howard wilkinson


    etc etc



    al preferable to a 3rd cockney gangster


    It's come to this. We're going to get fucked over on Saturday.


    You agree with that abomination of a post?


    Just to reiterate, the name of SOUNESS is included in that list.

    No, just agree that it's a realistic list, and some of them would likely refuse.


    *edit* By 'come to this' I mean we're barrel scraping, as no decent manager would touch us.

  7. Can anyone moaning about Venables answer this question:


    "You need an emergency manager to come in for one month. Who do you appoint?"


    If you can't come up with a satisfactory answer then shut it.






    peter reid

    howard wilkinson


    etc etc



    al preferable to a 3rd cockney gangster


    It's come to this. We're going to get fucked over on Saturday.

  8. The Carling cup is the only realistic thing we can do well in this season. The players need our support at such a difficuilt time and if they look round and see that theres only 15 thousand there then thats not going to do them any favours at all.

    I see the reason people are boycotting the game, but at the end of the day, supporting the team is far more important in my opinion. If you want to boycott something, then boycott the merchandice etc, not the games 


    I agree, but some people probably aren't making a protest by not going, they just guess it could be a particularly miserable game, regardless of the result. I'm still undecided, let's face it, it'll be easy to get tickets on the gate.

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