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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. Fine, I'll take all my opinions from MOTD, who reckon the ground was half empty, I'll ignore the evidence my eyes tell me, the TV knows all.


    Perhaps all games should be played behind closed doors, we'll just be fed by Sky and Setanta, whatever they want to show us.

  2. Blaming a small banner which went around a couple of times for a loss to Hull is pathetic, grasping at straws. Trying to claim the high ground because your kids got a bit of a ribbing in London is laughable. If they support NUFC they're destined for much ridicule whatever, they may as well get used to it.

  3. Can't believe people are giving the fans stick for today. Ashley and co will continue to take the piss out of us unless we make a stand.


    Too many snobs on this board.


    I don't give a f*** how this makes us look to the rest of the country (although I'm fairly sure that most of them agree with us).


    I'm more worried about making the s*** setup know fine well where we stand.



    I'm not saying there shouldn't be protest and never would. But I give a shit about how it makes us look to the rest of the country and not just because I'm from the north east and live in London. The coverage on the tv of that particular banner made it come across as crass and ignorant. Whatever the points made about the loose use of the words "cockney" and "mafia" or whatever, most people just don't get that. I've spent half the day dealing with it - I'm not really in a position to say "I don't give a fuck."


    My two lads have had nothing but shite off people all week and at their football this morning. Then we have to start dealing with that. Whatever the message was meant to be, it came across all wrong and as someone who's had to deal with it outside the comfort zone of Newcastle and thereabouts, it's not been at all good, for the reputation of the north east, its people and Newcastle United supporters in particular.







    You should be apologising to your kids for moving there.

  4. Liam. One question, were you there?


    Genuine question, and I don't judge supporters who don't attend. Unless they think they know anything about a game and the events surrounding it.


    He was there.


    Then he's more brainless than I thought.

  5. I wasn't slightly embarrassed by it, and I have been in the past many times by some supporters actions, including booing the team and leaving at 65 minutes.


    What I saw today was fair enough from supporters in the ground and out of it, a justifiable venting of frustration done peacefully.

  6. The start of the second half was a chance for everyone to get behind the team again, not a chance for you idiots to get yourselves on tv.


    That directly contributed to the slow start we made to the second half.


    Cheers lads


    Bullshit motherfucker.


    Have to say I agree with you. That protest had precisely the sum of fuck all effect on what was a totally shoddy performance from the players today. In fact, I applauded them.


    I think the following two quotes basically sum up my opinion on today's protests:

    (1) "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

    (2) "I may not agree with what you say, but to your death I will defend your right to say it." - Voltaire


    There's no reason philosophy can't live alongside football.


    As Descartes once said "that's a fucking right sending off ref!"



    Support for the team was fine today, though I don't doubt the instability of the club had some effect, I'm annoyed that armchair people think they know what happened.


    The BBC were reporting a half empty ground. Well OK I was late, not through protest, just that a nephew had a late night and couldn't get his shit together.


    The ground was full though yes? Admittedly buoyed up by Hull supporters, who were understandably joyous.


    Nah, the ground wasn't full - a fair few empty seats around the place to be honest.


    The thing that struck me today was the place was like a morgue most of the time (unsurprisingly).


    Far fuller than the Bolton game, the boycott predictably didn't happen.

  7. The start of the second half was a chance for everyone to get behind the team again, not a chance for you idiots to get yourselves on tv.


    That directly contributed to the slow start we made to the second half.


    Cheers lads


    Bullshit motherfucker.


    Have to say I agree with you. That protest had precisely the sum of fuck all effect on what was a totally shoddy performance from the players today. In fact, I applauded them.


    I think the following two quotes basically sum up my opinion on today's protests:

    (1) "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

    (2) "I may not agree with what you say, but to your death I will defend your right to say it." - Voltaire


    There's no reason philosophy can't live alongside football.


    As Descartes once said "that's a fucking right sending off ref!"



    Support for the team was fine today, though I don't doubt the instability of the club had some effect, I'm annoyed that armchair people think they know what happened.


    The BBC were reporting a half empty ground. Well OK I was late, not through protest, just that a nephew had a late night and couldn't get his shit together.


    The ground was full though yes? Admittedly buoyed up by Hull supporters, who were understandably joyous.

  8. The League Managers Association can confirm that talks to resolve several issues were held today between Kevin Keegan and Mike Ashley of Newcastle United Football Club. However, the discussion failed to reach a satisfactory conclusion.


    does that mean the discussion reached an unsatisfactory conclusion or that they didn't reach any definite conclusion?


    it's a mystery...


    Oh man, as if this evening wasn't bad enough



    I now have a Toyah song in my head.

  9. Why does everyone think that a club insider has leaked the meeting, everywhere in London will have moles texting sports journalists and so on, of to who is going in their restaurants/hotels


    Just a hotel employee could leak this, it's not like they're Mafia.


    Thats what i meant


    So you did, still holding my chest due to the tension, comprehension is playing second fiddle.


    Let's face it, it would be dull to support a stable club...

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