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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. Yes, violence and hooliganism was stated. Oh no, that was you. Get a grip.


    Read the post or dont respond. If its a little bit too complicated for you, ask a teacher to explain what its trying to say. Dont waste my time if you dont have the brains to understand what is being said.


    I'll do just that big brains.

  2. This moral high horseness about regionalism makes me fucking sick.


    Football is (or should be) about tribalism. That's where the passion comes from. Fans have the "right" to "hate" mackems, cockney's, scousers and mancs etc, etc and the idea that its is somehow an embarrasment is the biggest load of shit I've ever read on here.



    The pedantism of saying "Well actually Ashley's from Buckinghamshire" is petty - apart from the fact that most of the vitriol as far as I can tell is directed at Wise and LLmabias who are cockneys anyway.


    Did any of the pedants ever object to Bobby Robson being referred to as a geordie?




    Aye, thank God for someone sensible, though I'm quite happy with anyone from anywhere in the world being a mag.



  3. "record attendance at the city of manchester stadium...."


    and SJP was half empty according to the BBC.


    I trust we'll annoy them with emails for this s***.


    Aye, they went really overboard with that. We were 2,100 down on capacity, with over 50,000 there. 96% full. Ooooh, so rubbish! :rolleyes:


    There's no way there was over 50k in SJP yesterday.  I sit in the East Stand and I could plainly see swathes of empty seats in the Milburn which is the biggest stand in the ground.  They've inflated the figures.


    Do they just count ALL the season tickets (as they are pre-sold) as 'attending', then just add in tickets sold and away team tickets sold, to get the total?


    Otherwise, I agree, the figure looks very wrong.

    Not usually, I think they use numbers through the gates. It looked pretty full to me, but I don't sit in the best place to judge the whole ground.

  4. Nice level headed post.  The fact that there are only (now) three replies shows that other people need to take notice and snap out of their over extended knee jerk reaction.



    It's also ten past 4, only right saddos are awake...oh, wait...

  5. I can see what you're saying, but people needed to let off steam today, we all knew it was going to happen, as it was there was no real trouble, it was all quite predictable.


    I can't see KK coming back though, mind you, Newcastle United, normal things don't happen.

  6. why? oh why?


    Telling people on national radio to boycott the club, before saying "the whole country is laughing at us" - I wonder why?  :rolleyes:


    You got back from the match fucking quick.


    Obviously not as I was listening to it on the radio, hence this thread about the "cockney mafia trio" being on national radio.


    Yeah, it's all about the radio crowd, Radio 5 was it? BBC? The BBC which claimed the ground was half empty on MOTD earlier?


    You're a joke.


    I don't really think you understand what you're talking about, the BBC weren't the ones putting the words into Keith Barrett's mouth.


    That's right, I wouldn't understand as I wasn't listening to the radio.


    Oh, sorry, you're still harping on about the fact I wasn't at today's game therefore I couldn't possibly comment on the atrocious and cringeworthy behaviour of some people who claim to be fellow Newcastle United fans.


    At least it wasn't you, eh? O0


    You're a bad joke with no punchline.

  7. why? oh why?


    Telling people on national radio to boycott the club, before saying "the whole country is laughing at us" - I wonder why?  :rolleyes:


    You got back from the match fucking quick.


    Obviously not as I was listening to it on the radio, hence this thread about the "cockney mafia trio" being on national radio.


    Yeah, it's all about the radio crowd, Radio 5 was it? BBC? The BBC which claimed the ground was half empty on MOTD earlier?


    You're a joke.


    I don't really think you understand what you're talking about, the BBC weren't the ones putting the words into Keith Barrett's mouth.


    That's right, I wouldn't understand as I wasn't listening to the radio.

  8. why? oh why?


    Telling people on national radio to boycott the club, before saying "the whole country is laughing at us" - I wonder why?  :rolleyes:


    You got back from the match fucking quick.


    Obviously not as I was listening to it on the radio, hence this thread about the "cockney mafia trio" being on national radio.


    Yeah, it's all about the radio crowd, Radio 5 was it? BBC? The BBC which claimed the ground was half empty on MOTD earlier?


    You're a joke.

  9. Fine, I'll take all my opinions from MOTD, who reckon the ground was half empty, I'll ignore the evidence my eyes tell me, the TV knows all.


    Perhaps all games should be played behind closed doors, we'll just be fed by Sky and Setanta, whatever they want to show us.


    Well apparently the crowd has no affect on what goes on on the pitch, so maybe we should. :rolleyes:


    Or maybe we should pay no attention to you.

  10. Just like to say well played to anyone who took part in the peaceful protests, yesterday. Uptmost respect from me.


    Nice, some positivity.


    I didn't bother mind, I just stayed in the pub then went to the game, I just agree with you generally.

  11. Yet another master of irony. :lol:


    It's not ironic you clever man.


    How is it not ironic that you criticise something by doing the exact same thing?


    The people who are criticising the people with the banner are just as entitled to their opinion as the people holding the banner are to theirs, the only difference is that they've chosen to express their opinion in a way that doesn't disrupt the team on the pitch and contribute to them throwing three points away at home to Hull.


    That's what they're being criticised for, when they did it, not what they did. If they'd have done it at half time I doubt anyone would have slated them at all. Like I said before, what was the actual reason for them doing it whilst the game was going on, rather than either before, at half time, or afterwards?


    Yes, that's why I said in my post that it is your prerogative if you don't want to protest. But to call those who do "attention seekers" is completely unfair. They have their beliefs too. Whilst they protest against the club's management you protest against them. That's the difference. They're not complaining about you not protesting.  ;D But I agree with you on the right and wrong time to do it. But to blame them for (or even suggest) the defeat is way off IMHO.


    I didn't protest myself but I have no reason to call them sad for doing what they believe in.


    I wouldn't even start to say anyone doesn't have a right to have an opinion but to make generalizations about a large group based on a few fools is not fair and is out of order.


    And to pull the "ironic" crap when someone points out you're being unfair is cheap and a way to give yourself license to slag of your fellow fans. It's not irony.


    This is Newcastle United and over the past two seasons there has been more bickering between fans than anything else and all I'm doing is trying to say "show some respect".


    I think you'll find that plenty have complained about people not protesting.


    Who? I want names.

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