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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. One question I would like answering...is how come people only feel so passionately about making their voices heard when something bad happens?


    Football Seasonally Affective Disorder.

  2. I think regardless of what we do it'll make no difference, he probably will sell up soon irrespective of boycotts, turning up late or chanting. Such things might make people feel 'in charge' briefly....that's not the right expression really, just like you're not lying down to it all, just frustration. So long as we don't turn on each other we'll ride it out, I hope we're all ready with the scouse "calm down, calm down" on Saturday.

  3. Don't drink the beer?! Are they kidding?? How the hell am I supposed to sit through a game vs Wigan without being slightly sozzled? The rest sound do-able but not being allowed to sup a pint is a bit much in my book. Why don't we do something sensible like standing up, dropping our pants and baring our arses in the Boards general direction? Just think 52,000 arseholes staring at them - they'd get the bloody message then !


    I mean. Ban the beer. Never heard anything so stupid in all my life.


    hehe, I think we're still allowed to be drunk. Mine's whatever looks dangerous in the Union Rooms.

  4. Who's going to be acting manager? I realise I might have missed news, it was getting on my nerves. Terry?


    Terrys gone mate


    Really? I'm not surprised, I just didn't know because the repetitive sports news was getting on my tits.

  5. Expect 90 minutes of 'cheer up kevin keegan' from the Hull fans.


    I hope they come up with something inventive to take the piss. I quite enjoy a cutting chant if it's done well.

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