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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. People going on about whining Newcastle supporters....I hope other supporters do the same, let them know you're sick of watching shit, you don't have to be world class footballers to give it a decent game. I'm shit at playing football as well, but when I do kick a ball about I mean business. Quite drunk so I've lost what I was trying to say...

  2. I couldn't give two fucks anyway. I hate the UEFA Cup. It's a s*** tournament full of s*** teams, too many games and it only starts being worthwhile in around March, by which time people who actually go to games (i.e. not your average Bolton fan) have spent God knows how much watching us play teams from Israeli mountain villages.


    You embrace it if you want. When you've been in it consistently since 1994 and been in the Champions League, you'll realise it's s***. I also know that won't happen btw.


    Don't worry about it. It will a be a while before you're in either competition again.


    No worries. I prefer staying at home watching The Bill.



    I enjoy that as well, but only because I do genuinely love The Bill. You're nicked mate, etc.

  3. Plenty people around me prepared to have a go at everything, just like at every game. Along the lines of 'Carr, you fucking useless fat cunt!'. I do sometimes find such abuse amusing to hear, not sure what sort of a message it sends to the proper kids there. Not young at all bloke who sits in front of me had his grandson there, howere, if you can see him you should probably moderate your language, even if they will hear it in school.

  4. Agreed. Re: their supporters, walked past their buses afterwards and two of them seemed to be mainly teenagers, like young ones. I approve of that generally if there was an effort made to get some kids to travel, but it was unusual.

  5. A few days ago he was a bloke being harassed in the street by a camera crew, now he's the manager of Newcastle United.


    I'd love to know what Ashley said to him to get that spark back.



    "I know people...."




    Joke disclaimer.

  6. It is now absolutely essential that they bring back the grandad collars.




    Good call.



    Thirded. If we have as much influence as the papers think, we'll get those collars back man.

  7. First I was  :yikes: then I became a bit :tickedoff: almost thought about :suicide:, but the more I thought about it I was :dontknow:. then I went in here and saw all the  :frantic: and  :smitten: reactions and ended up being  :rolleyes: and  :clap2:.


    That's beautiful man.

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