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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. I was about to say hey, why blame the Ultras, there was loads of youngsters there, it could have been any people. I'm reserving judgement for now, I'm sure loads of you are nice lads and......well, lads let's face it.




    Also, while Skunkers can be amusing, it also tolerates some incredibly offensive threads, fair enough, free speech and that, but some of it's worth pointing out.



    I realise this is off-topic, but the relevant thread is locked, sorry mods, not having a go at whoever locked it, but I needed to say things.

  2. Worst thing Jenas did was the goldfish bowl comment, which I have to say is quite true. Still funny his reaction on missing an open goal though, he wanted the ground to swallow him up.

  3. It's not about whether it's harsh or not, vast majority of players I have no affection for, they're paid handsomely to do things the rest of us aren't very good at but wish we were. I've often said some terrible things about many of them at matches, but really, what was the sense in booing someone who was actually having a decent game for us every time he touched the ball? Spurred as far as I could tell by some stories in the rags about him leaving. So what, he's leaving or not, if he ends up at some club and we play them.....I wouldn't boo him then either, I wasn't well up for the Jenas abuse last season.....OK, I joined in with 3-1 to the goldfish bowl, but only because it was quite funny.

  4. How does NUFC get their money to pay these wages???



    So then you pay the wages of whoever works at your regular supermarket.


    Listen mate, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club



    Small point, don't call me mate.


    Ok i'll repost my original comment in a manner to suit your needs, please feel free to mention anything else to your distaste and i'm sure i'll be able to correct that in time.


    Listen, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club



    Cheers, though I don't really think I deserve the 'supafan' label either, I've been less than impressed with many players and whole games in my time, you also speak as if you're the only person to pay 'hard earned wages', money you willingly pay, as do many of us, of course it goes towards the running of the club, a huge chunk of which is wages for players, so in that sense you're right. I don't however think booing our players is productive, ever, unless by productive I mean making players less motivated, and also making any potential signings think we're a bunch of twats.

  5. How does NUFC get their money to pay these wages???



    So then you pay the wages of whoever works at your regular supermarket.


    Listen mate, if you and others alike want to be soopa fans all your life then be my guest, but i pay hard earned money to watch Nufc along with many others and if you are telling me that some of the money the fans hand over if not all doesnt contribute towards player wages then you are kidding yourself, if fans wish to boo a player it is up to them, it is a free country and since when did paying the wages of workers at my local supermarket have anything to do with it!? I'd wage a decent bet that the structure and the workings of a supermarket is far different to that of a Premier League football club



    Small point, don't call me mate.

  6. So then you pay the wages of whoever works at your regular supermarket.


    I can just imagine somebody walking into ASDA, booing in the face of a worker and then demanding that they be sacked :lol:


    "you're not fit to wear the Morissons shirt!"

  7. 'they' didn't pay his wages, he was paid by NUFC. All irrelevant of course, he played some decent games and some shit ones, now he wants to go. So fuck, see you later, the boo boys are pathetic.

  8. Thing that does confuse me, not just about Mike Ashley, but people investing in football clubs in general, yes there's lots of money there, players and managers can make a fortune, but for business people, it's small fry compared to more regular commerce, I bet "Mr Tesco" could buy every club in the Premiership from a year's profit. Huge risks and generally small profit unless it's Man United.

  9. back to the original topic, it pisses me off when people say 'never boo a player who is wearing the shirt'! Why the hell not. If a player publicly states that he doesnt want to play for our club then he shouldnt play. If a player is a total knob and constantly takes the piss out of our club then weve got the right to boo him. People are so high and mighty about booing, if people want to do it then they've got every right to do it.



    People can do what they like, but don't you think it sounds a bit childish? I mean even in the context of grown men and women getting well wound-up by a game.

  10. Saw quite a few Juve supporters on the way out, fair play. Difficult to spot them in colours for obvious reasons.


    Noticed one or two kicking about the Gallowgate wearing Toon and Juve scarves, didn't seem to offend anyone. Maybe they were Tyneside based Italians there just to watch a match containing a team from their homeland and not exactly Juve fans.



    Yeah, my guess was they were ex-pats who just fancied seeing a game, I'm sure I'd do the same.

  11. changing the topic, did anyone see people getting arrested/kicked out in the leazes end? My eyesight isn't great so I couldn't make too much out at the other end.


    I was in the family enclosure at that end but couldnt make out what was going on but the people near me seemed to reckon a fight had broken out.

    All I know is there seemed to be a lot of activity from people in yellow jackets.
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